App Icon iPhone

2 min readDec 4, 2017


The App Icon is used for the branding of your app. It’s the first thing that users see when they experience it. It appears prominently on the Home screen, the App Store, in Spotlight and Settings.


@1x assets are no longer supported for the iPhone, so you don’t need to generate them. App icons have 2 resolutions now: @2x and @3x. There are 3 types: App Icon, Spotlight and Settings. For the iPad, @1x and @2x are used.


Since iOS 7, the rounded corners have shifted from plain rounded corners to a super-ellipse shape. It is important to keep note that you shouldn’t export the icons with the mask, or you’ll potentially find black artifacts. Instead, just export square assets to the App Store.


Apple applied a golden ratio on some of their icons. This ensures that the icons are the heroes while keeping good proportions. While this is a good rule to follow, it’s not a strict rule. Even Apple omitted it on many of their icons.


iOS uses vibrant colors to bring out the buttons. These colors tend to work well against a white background as much as a black background. Keep in mind that colors should be used sparsely, for call-to-actions and minimal branding areas like the navigation bar. Roughly, only 10–20% of your design should have colors, or they will compete too much against the content.

iOS often uses neutral colors to serve as the background and menu areas. A well-contrasted black text against a white background is used to make the text comfortable to read. Finally, the pastel blue is applied for making the buttons stand out.

