Install SonarQube to Ubuntu Server (20.4)

3 min readJun 7, 2023


1. Prepare your Ubuntu server.

  • SSH to your Ubuntu server as a non-root user with sudo access.
  • Update your server.

$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt upgrade -y

2. Install OpenJDK 11

  • Install OpenJDK 11.

$ sudo apt install -y openjdk-11-jdk

3. Install and Configure PostgreSQL

  • Add PostgreSQL repository.

$ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb <> lsb_release -cs-pgdg main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'

  • Add PostgreSQL signing key.

$ wget -q <> -O - | sudo apt-key add -

  • Install PostgreSQL.

$ sudo apt install -y postgresql postgresql-contrib

  • Enable DB server to start automatically on reboot.

$ sudo systemctl enable postgresql

  • Start DB server.

$ sudo systemctl start postgresql

  • Change the default PostgreSQL password.

$ sudo passwd postgres

  • Switch to the postgres user.

$ su - postgres

  • Create a user named sonar.

$ createuser sonar

  • Log into PostgreSQL.

$ psql

  • Set a password for the sonar user. Use a strong password in place of my_strong_password.

$ ALTER USER sonar WITH ENCRYPTED password 'my_strong_password';

  • Create SonarQube database and set its owner to sonar.

$ CREATE DATABASE sonarqube OWNER sonar;

  • Grant all privileges on SonarQube database to the user sonar.


  • Exit PostgreSQL.

$ \\q

  • Return to your non-root sudo user account.

$ exit

4. Download and Install SonarQube

  • Install the zip utility, which is needed to unzip the SonarQube files.

$ sudo apt install -y zip

  • Download the SonarQube distribution files.

$ sudo wget <>

  • Unzip the downloaded file.

$ sudo unzip

  • Move the unzipped files to /opt/sonarqube directory

$ sudo mv sonarqube- /opt/sonarqube

5. Add SonarQube Group and User

  • Create a sonar group.

$ sudo groupadd sonar

  • Create a sonar user and set /opt/sonarqube as the home directory.

$ sudo useradd -d /opt/sonarqube -g sonar sonar

  • Grant the sonar user access to the /opt/sonarqube directory.

$ sudo chown sonar:sonar /opt/sonarqube -R

6. Configure SonarQube

  • Edit the SonarQube configuration file.

sudo nano /opt/sonarqube/conf/

Step 1: Find the following lines.

#sonar.jdbc.username= #sonar.jdbc.password=

Step 2: Uncomment the lines, and add the database user sonar and password my_strong_password you created in Section 3.

sonar.jdbc.username=sonar sonar.jdbc.password=my_strong_password

Step 3: Below those two lines, add sonar.jdbc.url.


Step 4: Save and exit the file.

  • Edit the sonar script file.

$ sudo nano /opt/sonarqube/bin/linux-x86-64/

Step 1: About 50 lines down, locate this line.


Step 2: Uncomment the line and change it to.


Step 3: Save and exit the file.

7. Setup Systemd Service

  • Create a systemd service file to start SonarQube at system boot.

$ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/sonar.service

Step 1: Paste the following lines to the file.

[Unit] Description=SonarQube service

[Service] Type=forking

ExecStart=/opt/sonarqube/bin/linux-x86–64/ start

ExecStop=/opt/sonarqube/bin/linux-x86–64/ stop

User=sonar Group=sonar Restart=always

LimitNOFILE=65536 LimitNPROC=4096


Step 2: Save and exit the file.

  • Enable the SonarQube service to run at system startup.

$ sudo systemctl enable sonar

  • Start the SonarQube service.

$ sudo systemctl start sonar

  • Check the service status.

$ sudo systemctl status sonar

8. Modify Kernel System Limits

SonarQube uses Elasticsearch to store its indices in an MMap FS directory. It requires some changes to the system defaults.

  • Edit the sysctl configuration file.

$ sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf

Step 1: Add the following lines.

vm.max_map_count=262144 fs.file-max=65536 ulimit -n 65536 ulimit -u 4096

Step 2: Save and exit the file.

  • Reboot the system to apply the changes.

$ sudo reboot

9. Access SonarQube Web Interface

  • Access SonarQube in a web browser at your server’s IP address on port 9000. For example:


