Why the sustainable revolution really begins with you

3 min readJan 3, 2019


Photo by NASA on Unsplash

A recent United Nations report estimates we only have 12 years remaining to limit global warming to 1.5°C and prevent even more devastating environmental changes.

We most definitely want to avoid catastrophic climate change, people displacement and that eerie feeling of watching a real-life disaster movie play out right in front of your eyes.

So instead of using apathy as an excuse not to do anything, here are some cool apps, products and services that are in line with the UN’s goals and we think might help save the world…

Want a couple more? The World bank is committing over 200 billion for climate action. Find out more about the Extinction Rebellion. And don’t forget to notice nature, it really is good for you and might help you appreciate the environment even more.

Photo by Miriam Espacio on Unsplash

We need less theory and more action and as designers and makers we plan to do our bit to consider the environmental impact of everything we create.

We must lose the apathy, the sustainable revolution starts with us… tell everyone.

Have you got any cool apps, websites or services to share? Please do let us know by adding them to the comments section below.

This article written by Hana Sutch, managing partner at Furthermore and co-founder of Go Jauntly originally appeared on Linkedin in December 2018.




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