A Step-by-Step Guide to Participate in COMBO Token’s LBP

Published in
3 min readDec 29, 2020

Furucombo will distribute 4,000,000 COMBO Tokens via a Balancer Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP) on Jan 12, 2021 at about 15:00 UTC. The LBP will last for 48 hours only, ending on Jan 14, 2021 at around 14:59 UTC.

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of participating in COMBO Token’s LBP. If you are not familiar with how LBP works, please read our token launch announcement to find out more details.

How to participate in COMBO Token’s LBP

To get some COMBO token on Balancer LBP, you just need to go through three steps.

  • Step 1: Navigate to Balancer LBP via Furucombo
  • Step 2: Use a wallet supported on Balancer
  • Step 3: Swap your preferred token for COMBO

Step 1- Navigate to Balancer LBP via Furucombo

Go to Furucombo’s homepage and you will see a live price chart to help you to know the current COMBO price trend immediately. It’s not live yet, but you will see a “Buy/Sell COMBO” button to lead you to the Balancer LBP page.

Once you arrive at Balancer, you should see a page similar to the one below.

Step 2- Use a wallet supported on Balancer

Currently, Balancer supports the following five wallets.

We recommend using MetaMask, which is a Web3 enabled cryptocurrency wallet. You can download the MetaMask extension directly in browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox. This guide will use Metamask as an example.

Once you setup Metamask, make sure that

  • You have some ETH in your wallet to pay gas fees
  • Prepare USDC to exchange for COMBO tokens.

While other tokens can also be used, we recommend preparing USDC. Balancer’s multi-pool routing means other tokens besides USDC can be used, but may result in a higher price as extra hops will be required.

Step 3 - Swap your preferred token for COMBO

If this is the first time you swap USDC or the selected token on Balancer, then you need to approve Balancer first to enable the interaction with Balancer smart contracts. To do so, click the “Unlock” button to submit the transaction and wait for it to confirm. Please remember to prepare a small amount of ETH in your wallet as the gas fee.

Once you unlock your wallet, the button will then change to “Swap”. Then you can proceed to click the “Swap” button to trade your preferred tokens for some COMBO. Once again, we want to remind you that due to the nature of LBP design, COMBO price will decline with time. With that being said,

🚨 🚨 🚨 please do not swap COMBO tokens too early or you may get rekt.

Once you have submitted your bids, all you have to do is wait until MetaMask updates the transaction status from “PENDING” to “SUCCESS” in a few minutes. Once the status changes to “SUCCESS”, you should have received COMBO tokens.

That’s it! If you have any questions on this, our team is standing by in Discord to answer any questions. Thanks for participating in Furucombo community!

📮 COMBO Token Address:
🏊‍♂️ COMBO LBP Address:
⚠️ We only have an LBP on Balancer, there is no Uniswap pool created by us.





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