Delivering delicious results for Detpak

B2B decision makers spend 1% of their time buying, and 99% researching…almost exclusively online.*

2 min readJan 17, 2018

This dramatic shift in purchasing behaviour led Detpak to collaborate with Fusion on shaping their digital transformation strategy. The first initiative is the re-development of

As a global company creating packaging for the food services industry, Detpak’s customer base ranges from big brands like McDonald’s and Subway to the owner/operator of your local laneway coffee shop. Regardless of size, they all search for food packaging that helps their brand shine.

“B2B buyers are no different than the rest of us. When they have a problem, the web is their first stop. Their expectations of the digital experience are extremely high due to the totality of their online shopping experiences. For, we took UX cues from fashion and food commerce websites to create a beautiful, high-performing digital solution”.

Damien Mair, Fusion Co-Founder

Under the hood, is powered by Episerver, an enterprise level CMS. We enhanced the platform using the Epi Commerce engine and Epi Find, a sophisticated in-site search tool.

For international customers, supports 6 geographies with localised pricing for many of their approximately 600 products. A major strategic objective of the website is to fulfil the role of being the single source of truth for product information. To help people find the best products for their business, we fuse core product information from Detpak’s ERP and enrich it with detailed marketing data. A multi-faceted product search tool exposes detailed filtering options to find the right products — quickly and easily.

Inspiration galleries, case studies and quick access to marketing materials build out the depth of offering for online customers. The last steps in the customer journey are simplified with a shopping-cart ‘quote request’ tool and a sign-up form which we integrated into Pardot for lead management and marketing automation.

In the first month since the launch of the new Detpak website there has been a 430% increase in customer satisfaction score.

Check out and don’t forget to share the link with anyone you know who has an interest or works in the food services industry.




Fusion is an innovation agency that helps organisations connect people to their brands.