Fusion PSN Staking Rewards: Explained

FUSION Foundation
FUSION Foundation
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2019

The FUSION Foundation is introducing an innovative staking reward program that incentivizes participants to hold onto their FSN ERC-20 tokens during the Payable Stage Net whilst also demonstrating the magic of Time-Lock.

Fusion has already broadcast to the community that we will be rewarding users 0.625 ERC-20 FSN tokens for participating in staking and packing blocks on the Fusion Payable Stage Network.

Whilst this remains true, Fusion has developed a new and refined reward program that further encourages users to hold onto their FSN ERC-20 tokens whilst they stake on PSN.

Before sending rewards, Fusion will check a user’s balance in FSN ERC-20 tokens at the time of the distribution of rewards against their balance in FSN ERC-20 tokens at the time of the snapshot. If your balance in FSN ERC-20 tokens is more than or equal to your balance at the snapshot then you will be distributed 0.625 FSN ERC-20 tokens per block validated.

However, if your balance in FSN ERC-20 tokens at the time of distribution of rewards is less than your balance was at snapshot then your rewards will be distributed as FSN ERC-20 tokens time-locked from 1 year in the future until infinity (1 year, ∞). This means that complete ownership over the tokens will not be available to the user until 1 year into the future.

Of course, FSN ERC-20 tokens time-locked from 1 year in the future until infinity (1 year, ∞) can still be exchanged (likely at a discount) in the Quantum Swap marketplace.

The purpose of the refined staking reward program is to reward Fusion token holders for their commitment to Fusion’s vision and participation in the Fusion ecosystem. PSN participants are early adopters of Fusion’s technology who will help shape the future of Finance, we are glad to reward them for their assistance.

FAQ on the staking reward model

Q. Is the FSN ERC-20 tokens time-locked from 1 year in the future until infinity (1 year, ∞) like a 1 year token ‘lock-up’?

A. No, the FSN ERC-20 tokens time-locked from 1 year in the future until infinity (1 year, ∞) is an independent asset that will appear in your wallet as an a tradable asset. It can be immediately exchanged the Quantum Swap marketplace.

Q. What happens if I sold only 1 FSN ERC-20 token after the snapshot, will I still get time-locked rewards?

A. Yes, if your balance at the time of distribution is less than your balance at the time of snapshot you will get time-locked tokens (even if your balance is only less by 1 FSN). However, if you purchase 1 more FSN and send it back to your wallet than you will be rewarded complete FSN.

Q. What happens if I moved my FSN ERC-20 tokens to another wallet following the snapshot, will I still get time-locked rewards?

A. Yes, if your balance at time of distribution is less than your balance at time of snapshot you will get time-locked tokens (even if your balance is only different by 1 FSN). A token holder can move his tokens back to the wallet he used at time of snapshot to get complete FSN.



FUSION Foundation
FUSION Foundation

An Exciting New Era of Cryptofinance for the Internet of Values.