Fusion’s March Newsletter

FUSION Foundation
FUSION Foundation
Published in
4 min readApr 1, 2019

Welcome Fusionites to the March edition of the Fusion Newsletter.

After a highly productive February, March was a huge month jam-packed with news across all of Fusion’s verticals.

March Summary

A Note from Fusion’s Head of Product Strategy, John Liu.

‘Over the past few months, I have been engaged with companies across different industries, exploring how Fusion can improve their specific workflows. When you think about it, just about all financial transactions involve an element of time. The time component is generally set out in the terms of a paper contract and often involves middle-men that benefit from asymmetries of information. Powered by create asset, time-lock and quantum swap, we can build out a large set of cross-industry financial use-cases on the Fusion protocol that not only make the transaction process more efficient and transparent, but also create new opportunities for value exchange that previously weren’t possible. Anything from asset rentals, debt instruments, entertainment licensing and more!’

Check out the ‘5 Use-Cases for a Time-Based Transaction Ledger’ video below to get a deeper understanding of the ideas we are exploring on the product side at Fusion.’

PSN 2.0 Go-Live — New Features and Stability Improvements on PSN 2.0.

On March 28th, Fusion achieved a major technical milestone, launching the highly anticipated Payable Stage Network 2.0. The 2.0 delivery was a gradual process of carefully considered technical improvements that are described here and also introduced new features, quantum swap and asset enhancements.

Partnerships — Fusion x Automotive eXchange Platform (AXP)

Fusion’s partnership with Automotive eXchange Platform was featured in Mainstream (MarketWatch, MorningStar), Crypto (CoinDesk) and Auto-focused (Automotive Digest) online media publications.

Together, Fusion and AXP will bring data accuracy and transparency to the $2.8 Trillion auto industry whilst providing greater financing opportunity for both lenders and borrowers. The first step of the partnership is to digitize AXP’s existing data and asset base consisting of 10.5 Million vehicles and 305 Thousand registered car buyers.

The Fusion Product team have been working with AXP to build out a Proof-of-Concept. Progress was shared on the frameworks that are being implemented to create Person, Vehicle and Loan assets within the Fusion ecosystem.

The partnership was explored in-depth in a community AMA with Fusion Head of Product Strategy, John Liu and CEO of AXP Max Kane.

Exchange Listings — Fusion improves FSN token Liquidity

FSN Listed on Bittrex
On the 21st of February, Fusion’s FSN token was listed on the large, reputable international exchange Bittrex. This listing will aid in increasing the accessibility and liquidity of the FSN token.

FSN Listed on Coinall
On the 20th of March, Fusion’s FSN token was listed on the China based exchanged Coinall, a partner company OKex.

FSN Listed on UPbit
Fusion’s FSN token was listed on on large South Korean based exchange UPbit on the 25th of March https://www.upbit.com/

People — Fusion Expands Product and Partnership Teams

Fusion announced the joining of two senior team members this month, Head of Product Strategy, John Liu and Director of Partnerships, Bariq Siqandari.

John Liu’s broad experience working in the Finance sector on the trading, technology and product side make him the perfect fit for Fusion. John is already building out numerous POCs with Fusion’s prospective partners. Recently he shared Fusion’s value proposition and key elements of our AXP partnership with Digital Journal.

Bariq Siqandari will be focused on leveraging his large network in the cryptocurrency space to engage new partners across the private and public sectors. Bariq will also be leading Fusion’s endeavour to be listed on top tier exchanges and was instrumental in activating the listings mentioned above.

John and Bariq will bring enormous value to the Fusion Foundation and we are thrilled to have them on board.

Recognition — Fusion Wins Two awards at World Blockchain Security Conference

Fusion received two awards at the World Blockchain Security Conference (WBSC) held at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in the Nanshan District of Shenzhen, China. The company was awarded ‘Most Valuable Project’ and Chief Operating Officer, Josie Jiang, was recognized as an ‘Outstanding Contributor.’

We hope you enjoyed March’s newsletter and look forward to keeping you up-to-date on a monthly basis.

For real-time updates, follow Fusion on Twitter, Telegram or Reddit.



FUSION Foundation
FUSION Foundation

An Exciting New Era of Cryptofinance for the Internet of Values.