Welcome to Eureka City, a brand new metropolis where innovation, sustainability, and social responsibility are at the forefront of everything we do. Our city is built on the principles of creating a better world and a better future, and we are proud to introduce a groundbreaking new technology that will revolutionize the way we live — the Eureka Coin.

Futoshi Mokonoto
2 min readFeb 15, 2023

The Eureka Coin is a revolutionary new cryptocurrency created by Eureka that is designed to be the sole currency used in our city. With the Eureka Coin, we are creating a completely cashless society that is more efficient, secure, and environmentally friendly.

No more paper bills or coins cluttering up our pockets and wallets, just a simple and seamless digital currency that can be used for all transactions.

But that’s not all. Eureka City is also protected by a massive dome that covers the entire city. The dome is equipped with a state-of-the-art weather control system that allows us to create a perfect environment for our residents. No more worrying about harsh weather conditions or natural disasters — we have it all under control.

In Eureka City, we are committed to creating a sustainable and responsible model for urban living. Our city is designed to be eco-friendly and energy-efficient, with green spaces and public transportation systems that encourage sustainable living. Our residents have access to a wide range of amenities, including modern housing, world-class healthcare, and education, and abundant opportunities for recreation and entertainment.

But what truly sets Eureka City apart is our commitment to giving back to society. We have pledged to donate a significant portion of our proceeds to various charitable causes, supporting organizations that work towards making the world a better place.

By choosing to live in Eureka City, our residents are not just enjoying the benefits of a modern and innovative city — they are also making a positive impact on the world around them.

In conclusion, Eureka City is a groundbreaking new city that offers a futuristic and innovative living experience. With a cashless society, a weather-controlled dome, and a commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, our city represents the best of what is possible in the modern world. We invite you to join us and be a part of this exciting new chapter in urban living.



Futoshi Mokonoto

The Eureka Project will give back 1% of all its profits to saving the planet, our coin will grow over the next decade and we will have both nfts and metaverse.