The Importance Of Ppc Using Google Ads

4 min readFeb 1, 2023


You might have learned about PPC and are curious to learn more or maybe you wish to incorporate it to market your business, you have come to the right place. Here we will discuss in detail what PPC is and why it is important using Google Ads.

PPC stands for pay-per-click. It is a model of digital advertising where the advertiser pays a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Basically you are paying for visits that are targeted to your website or landing page or any application. If the PPC works correctly, the fee is of little significance because the click is worth more than what you pay for it.

Marketers and businesses are taking advantage of the benefits of PPC advertising and Google Ads in order to reach new audiences, build brand awareness and credibility and increase revenue.


When advertisers create an ad, they usually choose a set of keywords which would target that ad and place a bid on each keyword. So for example, if you bid on the keyword “pet adoption,” you are telling Google you want your ad to appear for searches that match or are related to pet adoption. Google uses a set of formulas and an auction-style process to decide which ads get to appear for any one search.

Conducting PPC Marketing Through Google Ads is quite valuable because it is the most popular search engine. Google gets massive amounts of traffic and therefore delivers the most impressions and clicks to your ads. The frequency of your PPC ads’ appearance depends on which keywords and match types you select. A number of factors determine how successful your PPC advertising campaign will be but you can succeed if you follow these key points:-

  • Bid on relevant keywords
  • Focus on landing page quality
  • Improve your quality score
  • Capture attention by making the ads enticing


PPC ads reach audiences cost-effectively

PPC is a great strategy as when done well, it is actually very cost-effective. The best part is you have full control over your budget. You don’t have to set bids any higher than you can afford, and you can run as many ads as you like. An additional factor is that you only pay for your ads when people click on them which means you’re only paying for people most interested in your business, as long as you’re targeting the right keywords.

PPC reaches a wide audience

One of the main benefits of PPC is that it allows you to reach an extremely large audience. Google is home to a vast amount of traffic. In fact most online searches begin with a search engine and that is usually Google. With so many people doing Google searches every day, you can see how getting your ads to the top of search results would be a huge benefit for your marketing. Nearly everyone in your target audience is likely to use Google daily. So PPC is the ideal way to reach them.

PPC can reach the right people

PPC helps you reach the right audience. You don’t want to target everyone with your ads as you are marketing to a specific group of people. PPC can help you target your ads exclusively to that group. You can access a variety of specialized targeting features in Google Ads. You can target users based on demographics like age or gender, by geographic location or if they previously visited your site.

PPC drives faster results

One of the most important PPC benefits is that it can generate results very fast. Many other marketing strategies, such as search engine optimization (SEO), require you to wait for sometime after launch to see the results. But with PPC, as soon as you launch a campaign, it can start driving results. The success of your PPC depends on how well you craft it. So basically a well-constructed PPC campaign can drive results quickly.

PPC helps you measure results

Google Ads offers a variety of useful features, but one of the most beneficial features is that it provides insights related to your ad performance. As you run your ads, Google will report back to you on which ads are driving more results than the rest. You can view everything from click-through rate (CTR) to conversion rate to determine which ads are most effective. When you get to know about the results, that not only keeps you aware about what results you are driving, but it also tells you how you can optimize to improve those results.

PPC is easily testable and can be altered

A final reason why PPC is such a valuable marketing strategy is that you can easily test your PPC ads and can alter accordingly. This feature exists as it generates fast results and you have knowledge on its measurable metrics all working together. Within Google Ads, you can easily test out adjustments to your ads. First, you can launch a campaign to see how it performs. Then you can see the quick results on the metrics. Then, if it doesn’t perform well, you can stop running it. You can also pause and alter the underperforming ads quickly and easily.

PPC advertising has proven to be a reliable and profitable channel for tons of B2B, B2C, nonprofits and other companies seeking quick, quality traffic and conversions. Considering all the benefits PPC garners, it is worth the risk to try it out to gain good profit monetarily and also with all the data available from it to optimize other marketing strategies.

