Why You Should Never Be Against The Idea of Exploring Space

Future Space World
2 min readJul 12, 2024

If you are against the idea of space exploration, you are definitely against the growth of the human race. This is why.

Since the formation of Earth around 4.5 billion years ago, the planet has passed through several challenging moments including asteroid impacts, the ice age among others.

Despite all these challenges, our planet stood the test of time in the past. However, it may likely not stay like this forever.

According to science, the Sun is expanding every day. Someday in the future, it will consume Earth and every living thing within it. Even before then, scientists have predicted a rough future of asteroid impact climate change and other devastating impacts that may affect Earthlings.

Even though some of these challenges will likely take effect years in the future, we still have to make a move to preserve the light of consciousness that exists on Earth today.

So how do we preserve the light of consciousness?

We can do so by spreading life across the Universe. Yes, we are limited in terms of technological growth. But we still have to do the little we can to lay the foundation for our descendants.

If our generation succeeds in establishing a permanent human presence on the moon and Mars, we have successfully laid the first foundation for descendants to thrive on in the future.

I strongly believe that humans will be living permanently on Mars before 2100. Attaining such a milestone simply means that our descendants will be attempting to go interstellar before 2200.

The effort space agencies are making today will surely be beneficial to us and our descendants until the end of time.



Future Space World

I talk about the Future of Space Travel, astronomical Events and Future of Humanity on Earth and Beyond.