2 min readMay 16, 2020

Love! As most people classify, is the best feeling in the world.

I started my journey at a younger age looking for what I thought would fill an empty space in my heart, what I thought would make me happy and complete. For years I searched it out in every man that came my way. Could he be the one? I’d ask myself everytime I saw a man interested in me. I was consumed by this one quest I felt needed to be conquered "finding love". Soon I started settling for he who showed me an iota of care even when it was obvious they were wrong for me. I’d keep lieing to myself "with time they’d grow to love me" "with time they’d make me happy" "with time, they’d change", this was my solace every single time. I’d go from one webpage to another seeking answers to questions I don’t even remember asking. Soon the man realises my doubts and lack of self love and starts manipulating me for his own gains. Then a day would come I’ll say enough is enough and I’ll leave, on to the next man that can give me love. This continued for years until few months ago, I realized there is nothing like "finding love". Yes I said it, you can try but you will never find love. You can only find what’s lost, and love isn’t. Love just like air is free, and it is all around us. Just like a vessel waiting to be filled, we have to be open to it. And the best thing is, if we are open enough, not only will we be filled, we will have more than enough to share.
One thing my experience taught me is, the more I looked for love in others, the less I felt for myself, and this like a bad smell can be sensed by others even from afar.
Open yourself to knowing who you are, learn to appreciate that person, develop him/her if you must, be happy even in nought, care for you, and experience the love you’ve always had but never knew.

When you’ve mastered this, LOVE WILL FIND YOU.




A Food Technologist who enjoys speaking through words. I write about my environment and everything that pops up in my mind. I love nature.