How we work for you


Our masters are like guides sitting on top of trees. We simply tell you what’s down the road. You do the walking.

This is the science of how we know what’s going to happen and if you’re compatible with anyone or any moment: Quantum Harmonic Resonance, Not Just Chinese Astrology

Free Support on Reddit and is by Age Priority

We will respond to everyone who posts a question in our subreddit within 2 weeks. We will respond to everyone. However, we respond to people between 18 and 25 first. If you’re over 25, we will respond within 2 weeks but we respond to everyone.

Need FREE or low cost urgent support and answers?

There are times in life when timing is crucial. If you’re over 25y, and you want highest priority free support, you have options:

  1. Hop over to our own community at . We give our members highest priority — always.
  2. Send min of $25 worth of $IDP Interdimensional Time Travel Portal (an Ethereum Token) to 0xc0Eeb215957D2Fe91f58052c5E8d85875a5C9985 and PM u/neptunesorceress
  3. Send a $35usd donation to Paypal: kjeje0413 at naver dot com

Or just get private readings from the master

  1. Get private support:
  2. Get private support AND ample usage of our professional oracles by joining

If you are ok just waiting, use our oracle slivers

You can go to the following websites to use online slivers of our ancient oracles: for romantic and sexual compatibility, for emotional, mental, physical compatibility and to predict your future, for all the tools but with less explanation. is for professionals and private community members or masters.

Remember, we respond to everyone within about 2 weeks. We are looking forward to getting to know you.

PS. You should also start meeting people who are harmonically compatible to you. Use (we also give you destructive energy warnings.)


-- Future / Compatibility Prediction

Everything has cycles. All you need to know is the start date of one and you know the rest. Use for master level oracles for Taoist astrology