Fabrice Uwimana
3 min readAug 3, 2023


Once all villagers decided to pray for the rain, on the day of prayer all the people gathered but only one boy came with an umbrella! That’s FAITH!

Faith is a word or let me say a belief that is commonly used by God’s believers all around the world and in different doctrines. Faith is a state of mind and spirit that leads a person to believe that something that he /she pursues is definitely going to happen no matter what.For the believers, they will put all their trust in God and wait on him to realize what they expect even if they don’t have any clue of how it is going to happen or any actual sign that something is happening. So, in one way or another, I can say that regardless of our beliefs, FAITH is what keeps us going on and is all we need to keep going. It is actually the mother of hope in any circumstance. Faith is the essence for great achievements in life.

Life is full of challenges and only God knows how many people are overtaken by these ones. The truth is that we are all longing to discover the best strategies for a fulfilled life despite the ups and downs. We are constantly looking for an outside help from different courses like yoga meditation; someone who knows more than we know; religion reliefs; text books; etc…

Well yeah, it is not bad to seek for help but every intervention must have a starting point that will definitely determine the whole of the rest. When I was still in school one of my teachers used to tell us that if you don’t catch a concept from its definition you will not easily get it in the development! It made sense to me.

Therefore my dear readers, through these lines I wanted to share with you a silent life weapon in any situation. FAITH! keep it because it is all you need and all you’ve got. Faith is all that keeps us going every day even though we may forget it hardships times. I started to drive 12 years ago, and since then none of my passengers has ever asked me if I was not an epileptic man that could, at any time of the drive, collapse and cause accident. I can say that they believed we will reach our destination safely. That’s faith. When you sleep in the night you are expecting to wake up the next morning, that’s why you give different appointments that start with see you…tomorrow; next week; etc…that’s faith. By sowing a seed in the soil, you are longing to a harvest in the future. That’s faith.

Faith is what tells you that no situation is permanent and that every thing is going to work out for good. It is what helps you to believe in the future despite a contradictory present. Into you, it can subdue any challenge and sustain your serenity. Let me remind you that you are already a winner as every thing you need to succeed was created and packaged within you. When you buy an electronic item such as a phone; Tv; computer; car; etc…with it you will find a catalogue/manual from the manufacturer in which you will find all its capacities and different terms related to the maintenance; guarantee; etc…why? because the manufacturer created that tool and endowed it with all it will need to work efficiently. It is the same for you and me. We are all full winning packages, and only our faith will lead us to our victories in the right time despite the hindrances.

Faith is our inner power. Therefore, if we have to lose something in life, let it be something else. Only by faith, we can stick to life. Without it every hope fades away and we are no longer living but existing!


