How to Participate in the Roscacoin Token Sale

4 min readFeb 13, 2018


This document describes how to participate in the Roscacoin token sale. It gives an overview of the sale as well as some suggested best practices for participating.

On April 1ST at 9am SGT, the Roscacoin RSC token sale will be available at

Token Distribution Overview

  • Token Symbol: RCA
  • Minimum Purchase: 0.001 ETH
  • Accepting: Ethereum
  • ERC20 Token: Yes
  • Sale Date: April 1st, 9am SGT
  • Maximum Gas price — 50 Gwei
  • Recommended Gas limit — 250000

In order to participate you must go to the Roscacoin website. You will need to read, understand, and accept the terms in order to participate.


As always, look out for phishing URLs, fake domains and emails from non-trusted parties. You are responsible for taking precautions and exercising good judgment.

The contract address will ONLY be posted on our website.

  • It is very important that you only use the address posted on the website.
  • We will NOT post the address on our Telegram, Twitter, Blog, or Email.
  • Do not ask others for the link to the website or collection address.
  • We will NEVER personally message you with a wallet address asking you to directly send ETH. We will NOT be using the chat channels or DMs to communicate the wallet address.
  • Stay vigilant and secure.
  • Beware of scammers creating fake look-a-like websites. Either save this link here or make sure to type it in yourself.
  • If you have questions, please email

The Roscacoin Token Sale

1. Make Sure to Have Your Wallet Setup

The only way to participate will be to send funds directly to our smart contact address. You will need to send ETH from a wallet that accepts ERC20 token. For example, you may use wallets such as MyEtherWallet, MetaMask or Mist. Do not use exchange wallets from Coinbase, Bittrex, Binance, etc.

  • We will make the contract address public on our website.
  • You will receive your Roscacoin tokens to the same address from which you sent the funds.
  • Note: On the day of the sale, transaction times may be slow. Some may choose to prepare their ether early.

2. Sale Opens

The Roscacoin Token Sale will open starting Apr 1st, ~9am SGT.

  • Note: There may be a minor delay due to block times.

3. Transfer Your Desired Amount of Ether

From your wallet, transfer the desired amount of Ether to the address shown to you. Please send your desired amount of ETH from a wallet that accepts ERC20 token.

  • Please note, this post is not an endorsement of specific wallets as a means to manage your Ether. We cannot guarantee the correct behavior of wallets you use for managing your digital assets.
  • Do NOT send ether from an exchange address (such as Coinbase). You will lose your Roscacoin token.
  • If you have your Ethereum on an exchange or hosted wallet (such as Coinbase), you MUST transfer this Ethereum to a ERC20 Compatible wallet prior to contributing.

How to do you send ether to Roscacoin Crowdsale Contract Address?

There are a number of ERC20 compatible wallets that you can use to send ETH. We are showing an example of the process below with MyEtherWallet.

As an example: If you are using for managing your ether, go to the Send Ether & Tokens section and enter the address that you have confirmed from the Roscacoin website, the amount of ether you want to contribute, and generate and send the transaction.

Go to the Send Ether & Tokens section.

Unlock access to your wallet

Unlock your wallet with whatever method you have established.
This is just for sample.
  • Maximum Gas price — 50 Gwei
  • Recommended Gas limit — 250,000

Once it is completed, you will receive your Roscacoin tokens to this ETH address after the crowdsale completes.

Keep Track of Sale Progress

You will see a countdown in the website indicating how much time is left until the start/end of the token sale; Once the sale ends, you will no longer be able to purchase Roscacoin tokens from us.

Sale End

The sale will be closed when the hard-cap is reached or when the sale time ends, whichever comes first. Tokens will be available for transfer within a week after the crowdsale completes.

Create Roscacoin account

  • Go to > click Register
  • Fill up the necessary for KYC process
  • Copy and paste your MyEtherWallet address

Summary of key points:

  • The contract address will NOT be shared via Direct message. Do not trust people impersonating the Roscacoin Team.
  • If you are registered with a valid ETH address, it will be whitelisted. No action required from you.
  • You will send ether to the Roscacoin crowdsale contribution address. It is very important that you only use the address posted on the website.
  • If you have your coins on an exchange, such as Coinbase, you will need to send them to an ERC20 Wallet first before sending ether to Roscacoin.
  • You must send Ethereum from an ERC20 Compatible wallet (such as MyEtherWallet, Mist, or MetaMask)
  • Need extra help? Don’t have a wallet setup? Here is a step by step guide on how to set-up a new Wallet on MyEtherWallet. Here is a guide on how to Send Ethereum with MyEtherWallet. They also have a video guide here. You should ensure that your ERC20 compatible wallet is set-up with ether inside it before sending to the crowdsale.

Thank you for your support! Happy participating!

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