3D Cinema ++ Assignment 5This assignment entails retargeting and creating a sequence from Motion Capture data and my avatar.Mar 24, 2022Mar 24, 2022
Pre-Thesis Week 7Based on the literature I have read until now, I have inferred that students faced more problems with the sociocultural, affective, and…Mar 22, 2022Mar 22, 2022
3D Cinema ++ Reading AssignmentReflection on: http://gamescriticism.org/articles/papale-1-2Mar 3, 2022Mar 3, 2022
3D Cinema ++ Assignment 2For this assignment, these are the three prompts I chose:Feb 10, 2022Feb 10, 2022
3D Cinema ++ Assignment 1I had the idea of creating a basketball court from my school. This was the second, deserted basketball court in my school, it wasn’t where…Feb 3, 2022Feb 3, 2022
Pre-thesis Week 1The Frayling article starts out by trying to explore the different meanings of the word research. When I think of research, either of the…Feb 1, 2022Feb 1, 2022