3D Cinema ++ Assignment 5
This assignment entails retargeting and creating a sequence from Motion Capture data and my avatar.
To create my avatar, I used ReadyPlayerMe. I then converted the glb file into .fbx using Blendr. Finally, I retargeted the avatar into a T-Pose using Adobe Mixamo.
Then, I used MotionBuilder to merge my avatar with the motion capture data. This process had a lot of obstacles, there was a ‘Legacy Error’ with some of the Mocap data.
Importing into Unreal was fun because I learned that we can remove frames from before a certain frame (general T-Pose), change the speed of the animation, and even make the character dance after user input. In the sequencer, I found it challenging to blend two different animations together to make the transition look natural or human-like. I tried changing the properties (location and rotation offset) of the animation tracks, which helped a bit. I also tried blending the tracks and ‘Match bone with previous/next clip’, like the left and right feet and leg, but it only made the movement worse. Therefore for this project, I have decided to lean into the imperfections of the movement transitions and it looks like funny glitches.