Episode 2 — What if?

4 min readApr 27, 2022


The only way.

Episode 2 — What if?

First of all, thank you for the initial support thus far. Without you, this movement is nothing.

We are 5 days old, yet the problem we are seeking to solve is as old as humanity itself. So, what is the plan? How do we implement this? How can you help? What are the incentives?

Let’s take a look…

Marketing -

Naturally, we want to support this cause and protect those that have been affected by cancel culture.

We have today begun the discussions with those prominent figures who we believe are well aligned with this ecosystem. Ideally, this relationship, with said figures, will be mutually beneficial to them, our goals and the wider cause.

There is a fine line between vanity marketing and using the affected to help spread the word of FCC. If we strictly target these people on the basis of superficial promotion, the project will run out of steam extremely quickly. There is a glass ceiling of momentum that can be derived solely from such marketing efforts.

That being said, we believe this is vital to leverage their pain, influence and voices to attract wider participation from those that are well aligned with our mission.

If there are any community suggestions for specific people or companies, let us know on Telegram. We have an extensive list but this project is colossally big and needs all hands on deck.

Product Development -

I think by now you will have realised we have one of the most capable devs in this whole space. There are rumoured connections that we can neither confirm nor deny at this stage. Sometimes these things are better left unsaid. Read between the lines.

With that, we are now beginning the developments of staking and farming. Those that wish to stake their single-sided FCC will soon be able to do so to generate a yield from the staking contract. As you all know, the founder allocation fund will, in the next 24 hours, be sending 50% of all FCC tokens to a burn address, whilst the other 50% will be used for staking.

A farming vault will soon be opened too. This will allow users to deploy an FCC-ETH LP position on Uniswap and earn trading fees whilst also being incentivised to do so by being paid in additional FCC.
There are more non-crypto related developments happening which will be orders of magnitude higher than a lot of people expect from such a young project. We will not comment further on such platform developments at this time, but what we will say is, market competitors of such products, are sat currently in the 10s and some even 100s of billions in market cap.

As with everything, this project will be looking to use any revenues generated from such ventures and products to repay the loyal holders of FCC.

Coin Market Cap and CoinGecko -

We know this means a lot to the community and these have been filed. We will try to leverage our team’s contacts to push this through ASAP. If you see this go live we need your best efforts to make sure the world knows about it.

Mods and Community -

We have finalised the mod structure and overall hierarchy of their input. This will allow the team to focus on product development, marketing and overall progressing the project forward. These fine details will set us apart from any competition.


We recognise that when a small portion of people have a large portion of the say, things spiral very quickly. This is human nature, some collectives are good at preventing this but if something is left like this for an extended period of time, they all suffer the same fate.

Based on this, we will always consult the holders on any decision we make. This will be done through our snapshot, similar to how we voted on what to do with the founder’s allocation.

Centralised Exchanges -

People will have noticed the largest FCC holder is a wallet with 10% of the supply which is being reserved for CEX listings. This will be heavily pursued and discussions are already beginning. Please bear in mind that we are 5 days old, but when these larger exchanges see the volume, community and total addressable market, they will jump at the chance to list FCC.

OTC Desk —

If anyone is lucky enough to have a large bag of FCC and wants to off-load it. Contact the team privately. No questions will be asked. We will facilitate a very favourable OTC deal to one of our whales waiting on the sideline. There is a lot of interest from some big accounts who resonate with the mission. If you want to be a tourist and try to harm the overall mission of the project by dumping on the open market, please speak to us first for a better deal than you can achieve from selling through Uniswap.

I think that is enough alpha for the day. We have much much more going on than the above but we wanted to give you guys something to chew on. The momentum is now growing, keep up the good work and let’s push this thing to where it deserves to be.


