Episode 3 — Evolution

2 min readMay 3, 2022


We expected support to be slow and gradual as we progress this movement past the plains of crypto and past the fourth wall into the public domain.

After extensive contract reviews and looking at the sheer magnitude of this project we have decided to go ahead with an upgrade to the contract, which we have now executed.

In the first week of its existence, FCC was bootstrapped through its tax structure and as a way to encourage early participants, we recently lowered the tax to 0%.

Once again, we have implemented a tax on the upgraded contract, but it doesn’t stop there…

Staking is set to go live this week, with additional farming opportunities for liquidity providers. In its previous format, the contract wasn’t as lucrative for stakers/farmers alike, so with the community’s best interest at heart, we made the move to upgrade the contract with immediate effect.

We also realised that from our holders’ perspective we needed to lean heavily on the fact we have BSC royalty at the helm with our lead developer and may at some point, need to have additional liquidity on BSC.

So, to ensure we play host to a progressive and dynamic contract, we needed to upgrade.

We made the decision to upgrade with no community consultation in an attempt to breeze a migration and not cause panic or unrest. We knew that with the correct planning and timing, we could efficiently deliver for our holders and move this project to its next exciting step.

The contract has been flawlessly migrated and all holders will soon be airdropped 1:1 with their new and improved FCC tokens.

As we’ve said, in its prior form, the contract was the perfect launch pad and allowed us to get off of the ground but having seen the commitment of our community and team towards this mission, we needed to accommodate for expansion.

The upgrade gives us this privilege and can now be utilised for staking, farming, cross-chain and extreme scalability.

The FCC team hopes you are all as excited as we are for the next steps. We have some very impressive marketing announcements for you all to sink your teeth into, coming shortly.

