Francois Ward
1 min readMar 11, 2016


The problem is more with my terminology and not with my lack of understanding of Aurelia.

I’ve been following Aurelia since the day it was announced, and sat in the chatroom for months. Had a lot of offhand discussions with Rob too (nothing notable, but I loved chatting with him).

I didn’t mean it was a monolith in the sense that it’s not breaking down, but more in the sense that Rails is. I can go and replace ActiveRecord, liquid templating, any initializer, any compiler, the controller system, the route system, sprockets. It’s all individual packages. But realistically, it’s not how Rails is used, and there’s little points in changing the pieces aside for specialized scenarios.

All the pieces are developed together, documented together, etc.

I never meant that Aurelia was on the same level as Angular 1.X in coupling.

Too be honest, this entire blog post was just my short list of favored technology to link to people who have been asking me about my personal opinion lately, and was not meant to be a cohesive argument with justifications, so a LOT of background and information is lacking. The original was several times longer too and I trimmed it down to the basic, and with it part of the message was lost.


