BuJo Hacks: Task Extension Points

Xavier Noria
3 min readNov 20, 2018


Task management software supports notes, attachments, links, etc. Do we need to sacrifice these features when bullet journaling? Nope!

To deal with them I have defined the concept of a task extension point. This is something I am loving about bullet journaling, that is a framework that you can adapt and hack as you please.

A task extension point is a special marker next to the task that tells you there is something else associated, and a convention for where to find it.

The Canvas

In my bullet journal I have a section called “Canvas” at the end of the notebook.

The canvas section in my bullet journal

That is a scratchpad for free writing, and it goes in reverse chronological order. The first page is the last one, the second page the last but one, etc. So, journaling goes from front to back, and the canvas goes from back to front. When they meet, time for a new notebook.

Task Notes

In your daily journal, tasks, notes, and events are packed together. It is a physical support, so you can’t just make space to insert notes for something already written.

The canvas is a perfect place for notes.

To attach notes to an existing task, write them in the canvas, and add the page number to the task as a pointer. For example, this task has notes on page 239:

Task with a notes extension point

Alternatively, you could have a regular “Notes” collection. Same idea.

Attachments, Links, and Emails

For attachments, links, emails, etc. I have a dedicated Dropbox folder

Just drop files there and add a marker to your entry

Task with an attachment extension point

I have links and emails in the same Dropfox folder. In macOS this is easy, you can drag the URL in the location bar of your browser to the folder directly. That creates a file that will take you back to the page on double-click. Similarly, in Gmail the URLs in the location bar are draggable. Double-click the file and you are back to that email or thread.

I don’t have too many documents at once, so one flat folder without further organization is enough for me. Maintaining this folder is part of the periodic reviews.

Alternatively, links and emails could have bookmark folders or be tagged, starred, etc.


If you use other approaches, please share them!



Xavier Noria

Everlasting student · Zeitwerk · Rails Core Team · Ruby Hero · Freelance · Life lover