Pix —Image/Video Picker android Library

Pix a whatsapp style media picker replica made in native android.

Akshay Sharma
1 min readApr 17, 2020

User experience is one of the most important factor in Android App Development and for that here is a image/video picker just like whatsapp.

Pix is an opensource library to select a image / video from your android local storage gallery or click/record from the camera.

With pix you can implement similar UI/UX of whatsapps image picker with a lots of customizing functionality into your own android application with just few lines of code.

Pix can be used as

Pix.start(context, Options.init().setRequestCode(100));

for full customization you can use

Options options = Options.init()

Pix.start(MainActivity.this, options);

get full documentation here

Pix can be used via gradle.

implementation  'com.fxn769:pix:1.5.1'

or Maven


or Ivy

        <dependency org='com.fxn769' name='pix' rev='1.5.1'>
<artifact name='pix' ext='pom' ></artifact>

for More details visit Github Link.

