What is the common sense of women’s health

Hkghk Gjggk
4 min readApr 11, 2019


What is the common sense of women’s health

Women’s health is an aspect that many people will ignore. Many people forget about sexual health when they are healthy. So here I will tell you about the common sense of female sexual health and teach you how to prevent common diseases!http://neuroinitiative.org/

Methods for women to prevent common diseases

1, abortion:

What should I do? — Quit smoking

Smoking is harmful to health is well known, but few people know that smoking increases the chance of miscarriage. Not only that, but studies have shown that infertility, premature birth, and fetal malformations are closely related to long-term smoking habits. For the baby’s health, quickly lose the bad habit of smoking.https://www.facebook.com/Neuroinitiative/

2. Endometrial cancer:

What should I do? — Birth control pills

Taking birth control pills can reduce the risk of endometrial cancer. Estrogen accelerates the division of endometrial cancer cells, and progesterone in the contraceptives can inhibit estrogen. In addition, contraceptives can prevent many diseases such as ovarian cancer, osteoporosis, dysmenorrhea, menstrual disorders, ovarian tumors, acne and so on.

However, if you have high blood pressure or other cardiovascular diseases, try not to take birth control pills, because in these cases, the birth control pills may cause blood vessel blockage.

3, menstrual breast swelling and pain:

What to do? — Wear a bra without a steel ring

A survey showed that 85% of 200 women with menstrual breast swelling and pain suffered from breast pain after 12 weeks of wearing a rimless bra. Although the steel collar bra can hold up the breast and shape the perfect breast shape, it will seriously affect the free movement of the breast. When the breast expands during menstruation, it will naturally cause pain.

4, ovarian cancer:

What to do? — Take vitamin C and vitamin E

Ovarian cancer is the highest mortality rate, and its canceration is asymptomatic at an early stage. Once clinical symptoms are present, the disease is often advanced, so its risk cannot be underestimated.

Vitamins C and E can help you fight ovarian cancer. However, simply relying on food is not enough.

Take a certain amount of vitamin C and vitamin E tablets or preparations. Studies have shown that if you take 90 mg of vitamin C and 30 mg of vitamin E per day, your chances of developing ovarian cancer will be cut in half.

5, breast cancer:

What should I do? -

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs in the glandular epithelial tissue of the breast. It is one of the most common malignant tumors that seriously affects women’ physical and mental health and even life-threatening.

Female sexual health tips

Maintaining a certain amount of activity can effectively reduce the level of hormones that cause breast cancer cell growth in the human body. If you have more than 5 hours a day to move your muscles, your chances of getting breast cancer

It will be reduced by 31% to 41%. Do you like a puppy at home? Take it and go for a walk. Between running and stopping, you have easily shut out terrible breast cancer.

6, genital infections, allergies:

What should I do? -

You need to breathe fresh air every day, and your body needs it. Strictly squatting for a day, in the evening you always have to give your body a chance to return to nature and completely relax. Moreover, if sensitive genitals are always unable to breathe, the bacteria will grow more easily. If you are not careful, the genital infection and allergies will bother you. So, when you are tired for a day and completely relaxed in bed, why not give your body a chance to completely relax?

7. Poor fertility:

What should I do? — Sunbathing

Full sunbathing can increase a woman’s fertility and increase her chances of getting pregnant. Studies have shown that in the season of abundant sunshine, the probability of female pregnancy is significantly higher than in other seasons.

At the same time, more bathing in the sun can also reduce the risk of breast cancer. When exposed to the sun, the amount of vitamin D in the body will increase sharply, and vitamin D is considered to be an effective substance to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. In the spring and summer, 15 minutes of sunbathing per day can produce enough vitamin D in your body. In the shorter autumn and winter, you can take vitamin D directly, which is the same as sunbathing.

8, genital diseases:

What should I do? — Pussy self-test

A monthly vaginal self-test can help you detect possible vaginal diseases early and treat them early.

Dark spots — may be a sign of vulvar cancer. Vulvar cancer is a rare form of skin cancer that can be fatal if not treated early. But as long as you get medical treatment early, 90% can be cured.

Lumps — may be folliculitis, occlusion of the skin gland, benign tumors, and rarely vulvar cancer. If the mass does not disappear after 2 weeks, you should see a doctor in time.

Small white spots, dry skin like paper — may be vulvar skin. This skin sputum is caused by an endocrine imbalance, which can cause atrophy of the labia if not treated in time.

Odor, itching — may be fungal vaginitis or vaginal trichomoniasis. If you have fungal vaginitis during pregnancy and do not diagnose it in time, it may cause premature birth or affect fetal health.

