The fyndario-Project — The Perception of Timelessness

2 min readMar 29, 2018


by Wolfgang Richter (Founder fyndario-Project)

Everybody experiences moments of timelessness, not just when we sleep, but also during the wake hours having moments of complete concentration, being in the flow, totally immersed in an activity, understanding something out of the blue! And usually it feels great even though we have “forgotten ourselves”. But we are not investigating when this happens and how we can influence those moments.

The fyndario-Project is all about that investigation! It has to be an individual one since everyone has his or her own timeless moments. Yet we certainly can share experiences and learn from each other. And in doing so, it will be an excellent way of getting in touch with self-experience and our own perception of time, timelessness and the idea of timelessness of other people.

The fyndario-App (iOS and Android) is the place for sharing individual moments in the format of snack content with each other, but even more importantly it serves as a diary to collect and register those moments which one wants to take into consideration for one’s own experiences of timelessness.

The fyndario-Blog is the place to share and to look at more in depth analysis and comments on timelessness, not restricted by the fyndario-App’s snack content limitations. Therefore, the next following posts are a mixture of scientific work, articles, self-experience, interviews of how to get a closer view on this topic and make it visible for other people. As a start, see the following… (interviews, documentaries, articles etc.)

Be part of it

In the end, this user driven research project will lead to a community based social-media platform which is based on the empirical knowledge of every user participating in this project. Don´t hesitate to comment on this article and feel free to be part of this project, posting your own contribution.




Fyndario is an ideal-driven community-based research project that explores the phenomenon of timelessness.