Fitra yurid
2 min readMar 26, 2024

Drafting an Effective Introduction: Towards Engaging Scientific Publications

Essentially, scientific journals serve as platforms utilized by researchers globally to convey their research discoveries. Hence, the success of a finding hinges not solely on the finding itself but also on how effectively it is communicated, thereby piquing the interest of the scientific community and facilitating understanding. Scientific journals are structured into sections, including abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and references. Each of these sections is interconnected, forming a cohesive narrative. However, the abstract, introduction, and conclusion stand out as primary components, serving as the initial steps to engage readers. Additionally, compelling titles and visually appealing images or graphics contribute to attracting readers’ attention. In this discussion, I will focus on the introduction section.

The introduction of a scientific article or journal is the first point of contact for readers, offering essential context, highlighting the significance of the research, and presenting its objectives. Creating an engaging introduction is crucial, as it shapes readers’ engagement and comprehension of the research outcomes. A properly organized introduction not only grabs readers’ attention but also emphasizes the research’s importance within the wider scientific context. It acts as a guide through the article, delineating the research problem, goals, and methodology, while also situating the research within the existing body of literature.

What is the formula for crafting an engaging introduction? According to the teachings of Dr.rer.nat. Sparisoma Viridi from the Bandung Institute of Technology in the Scientific Journal Writing class, there are 4 key elements for constructing an introduction: providing general background information about the research, offering specific background details, outlining the gap in our understanding, and stating the study objectives (including a brief summary of the research). Another approach suggests writing the introduction after completing the results and discussion section. Why? Because the introduction should summarize and provide an overview of all findings from the research. Thus, having a comprehensive overview from the results and discussion section makes it easier to create a clear introduction.

After understanding the formula, what are the guidelines for crafting an effective introduction? Let’s discuss them individually.

  1. Clarity and Brevity: Ensure the introduction remains focused and succinct, avoiding unnecessary technical language or jargon that might isolate readers.
  2. Engaging the Audience: Utilize captivating language and pertinent examples to draw readers in and stimulate further exploration of the research.
  3. Providing Structure: Arrange the introduction logically, adhering to a clear sequence of ideas that guides readers from general concepts to specific research aspects.
  4. Adapting to the Audience: Take into account the intended readership of the journal and tailor the introduction by adjusting the tone, style, and depth of detail to suit the readers’ backgrounds and expertise.

Therefore, by formulating research objectives effectively, emphasizing their relevance, and providing clarity regarding the research context, we can boost the research’s impact and visibility within the scientific community. Adhering to best practices and carefully considering the audience’s needs can also assist us in crafting an introduction that engages readers and establishes a foundation for successful research involvement.

Thank you for reading..

Fitra yurid

I initially made this account to complete my master's course assignments, but I've come to enjoy writing here, since it's a hobby of mine :)