The magic of Eurorack and ChatGPT

Gert braakman
6 min readMar 2, 2023

This is a story about a genuinely staggering discovery I made last week. Like many others, I use a Eurorack system to create music. I love the flexibility and creative challenges it offers. Just sitting in front of your system and letting your imagination flow: what happens if I connect the output of this module to that one? There is a dizzying amount of things to try, one, even more, promising than the other.

image created with midjourney by the author

This story is not an introduction to Eurorack it assumes you already have a basic understanding of Eurorack.

There’s Eurorack and there’s ChatGPT. If you’re not living under a rock you probably noticed how ChatGPT has taken the Internet by storm. Its capabilities are astounding and increasing, it seems, by the day.

A month ago I made my first attempt to tempt ChatGPT with a question about eurorack, would it be able to give me ideas about Eurorack patching? The results were rather disappointing. What a surprise awaited me last week during a second attempt: ChatTPG had expanded its knowledge about eurorack a thousandfold. I could ask questions about modules and receive detailed info about them. Alas only about modules that existed before 2021 as ChatGTP does not yet have access to more recent internet info.

A further surprise awaited me when I asked ChatGPT if it could suggest an original way to use a…



Gert braakman

The real challenge is getting to know yourself and others. For me writing is the preferred way of doing that. I’ve been a writer all me life