Good for Nothing presents #Homeful

Good for Nothing
5 min readApr 13, 2019


We’re back with a big collaborative mothership experiment in creative generosity and we invite you to get involved.

9 years ago we brought 3 projects together with a crew of creative misfits under one roof for one day in London and amazing things happened, not least the 9 year adventure that unfolded from that experiment.

The world has changed massively. Not only are the problems we face as a human race more gnarly and widespread than ever, but the ways we can participate, mobilise and create have changed with so many new tools and approaches, helping us self-organise and experiment more creatively. Providing more ways to make it easier to give what you’re good at.

9 years ago, it was often all down to who was in the room for the day at GFN, but today not so.

We’re curious today about what a self-organising network of skills, talent, influence and energy can make happen with a shared intention around a specific challenge, a creative generosity experiment that really matters.

So we’re inviting you to participate in this next experiment: Homeful.

3 movements. 3 crews. 3 months.

All which connect to the theme of ‘home’. Because in 2019, we’re curious about where ‘home’ is exactly ? What is ‘home’? Who has a ‘home’? Who’s looking after ‘home’?

We have no idea what will happen, but that’s the interesting bit. We are living in a time of huge uncertainty, with trust and confidence in instituions at an all time low, and with traditonal ways of organising, making decisions and solving stuff no longer working.

We’re stuck. Frozen.

So the thing with Good for Nothing, it’s like an open training ground, a place to participate and try stuff, a space for possibility and experimentation, new ways of working and organising. We believe this type of approach is one way in how we will organise ourselves in the emerging future.

Because to co-create and co-design you don’t need to know everything before you start. If you have energy and purpose — you just start.

We’re bringing together three grassroots movements which together represent some of the biggest social and environmental issues on our planet today, visible in any city around the world.

Collectively they are trying to make a shift from the bottom up, in how we see or don’t see these issues in our daily lives and culture.

They are working with huge constraints and using passion, creativity, stories and social technologies to punch well above their weight. These are issues which are growing in scale and urgency, and where more creativity is needed to help shift perspectives and awareness.

So that’s why we’re inviting you to take part. You may be a thinker, a do-er, a creative, an activist, a technologist. You may have access to media, or production capabilities, you may have influence, you may just be curious about working in new ways. Whatever your thing we invite you to participate.

The Movements

Do Something for Nothing is a movement spearheaded by hairdresser and social activist Josh Coombes who has dedicated his life to getting out on the streets, listening to stories of homelessness and sharing them widely — his movement is growing around the world — how might we find ways to create more attention and positive action to those on our streets with no home?

The World Wide Tribe uses storytelling and on the ground support to share the real stories behind why refugees are on the move, fleeing their homes, busting negative myths and reframing how we see each our fellow humans wherever our homes are on the planet — how might we start to see refugees differently — as people like us who are fleeing their homes from great dangers?

The UK Student Climate Network is mobilising young people and students to pressure government and those in positions of power to act urgently and radically to address the climate crisis through innovative strategy and novel campaigning. The #YouthStrike4Climate movement has mobilised the largest ever youth-led climate justice movement in the history of the UK, attracting over 70,000 young people across February and March. — how might we support the next generation to make meaningful impact on protecting our one and only home — planet earth ?

The Plan

Kicking off on April 24th and over a three month period, we’re inviting you to join a crew and get involved in dreaming up and activating an experiment with potential to help these movements with their missions. This could be anything, local, online, creating content, stunts or something completely different. Each crew will figure out their approach. The Good for Nothing Mothership crew will support you with tools and tricks.

This is about smart accelerated self-organising creativity, radical collaboration, experiments and networks.

This is about purpose, fun, generosity and mischief. This is not work.

There are currently 3 ways to participate:

1. You can do this by joining us in London on the evening of 24th April at our place residency partner Ministry,where we will kick off the challenge with short talks from each movement, a rapid immersion into the challenges and how to do Good for Nothing, and then opting into crews and challenges by the end of the evening — (we will also be live streaming the kickoff.)

2. You can do this by experimenting with your own chapter or city — organising a kick-off session yourself.

3. Or you can get involved online, joining a remote team. We will be tooling up each crew with slack, whatsapp and other systems to help this experiment roll.

In taking part in this experiment, not only are you contributing positive vibes into the universe, you will learn new stuff, meet new people and discover the transformational energy in doing Good for Nothing.

To get involved in the experiment register here

(important to register even if you can’t make the kick off session)

We’re also building a small crack team of misfits at the Mothership to work with us to facilitate this experiment, if you’re interested to get involved drop us a mail at

And we need loads of help, so we’re open to any generous brands who may want to help support this experiment in a range of ways — please do reach out on

Peace and Out

dan burgess @ The GFN Mothership

#Homeful #Rebellionoftheheart #GoodforNothing



Good for Nothing

A rebellion of the heart. Creative generosity. Gift your gifts. #DoGoodinYourHood #Giftivism #GoodforNothing #Rebellionoftheheart