Mobilising 1 Million People in the UK to Climate Strike — Project update

Good for Nothing
5 min readAug 16, 2019


Via ted Hunt with h/t to Greta Thunberg

So it’s been three weeks since Good for Nothing in collaboration with UKSCN and Glimpse convened about 50 folks from various agencies, studios and collectives to a one day creative sprint to start concepting strategies, tactics and ideas to help youth climate strikers UKSCN mobilise one million people onto the streets to climate strike on September 20th.

The sprint day was in addition to the open brief which has been requested about 100 times and shared widely as far as we can tell.

The day itself was awesome - humble, open hearted, super talented people from a range of creative disciplines along with youth climate strikers and campaigners, all ready to roll up their sleeves and get on with it. Hosted in a space gifted by the generous Trampery.

I kicked it off with a bit of time landing the context, how we had got here, why this youth climate movement and this moment in time is so important, and framing up the challenge …

“in order to find our way we must get lost’ a quote from Bayo Akomolafe — which i find a useful insight, metaphor and guding principle for these times we’re in

And then shared what seems to me at least to be the most appropriate creative briefing of the context we find ourselves in — playing the track from Greta Thunberg and The 1975, which had landed on the internet the day before.. worth the 5 minute listen, but warning — you might cry…

The 1975 and Greta Thunberg

Then we heard from Jake — co-ordinator at UKSCN and youth striker Cyrus about what it’s like to be at school and go on strike and how the movement is mobilising for September.

Cyrus youth climate striker
Jake — Co-ordinator @ UKSCN

James from Glimspe then led us through the 7 creative challenges designed as focus for the day, with a some Q&A as we went

James @ Glimpse

Tom from Good for Nothing, then used his Jedi powers to help ease folks into the transition from listening to doing…

Tom @ Good for Nothing

We then ran a 75 minute session of accelerated idea, strategy, insight generation etc by asking the group to self organise around 7 creative challenges

poster/flyer exploration
speed meme posse
strategies on steroids
world class innit

Group reflections were shared back over a most tasteful veggie lunch

We did some collective intelligence gathering and feedback from the room and then teams split up to more deeply develop ideas that they were particularly excited by before sharing back at 5pm.

Once again the quality and abundance of outputs was extraordinary.

We did a quick sense-make over the next 48hrs and then played back a cut of what was emerging as a possible strategy and approach back to the group and ensuring the youth strikers were feeding back on all ideas… you can read that here

There are many challenges when you are developing an open, networked , emergent creative response to an enormous communications challenge like this, but when you are also working with a fast growing grassroots movement of young people that UKSCN represents you also need to be able to let go of ways of working, expectations and assumptions that you might hold from working with commercial clients — it’s a very live /alive process and folks are flowing into in ways that they can within their existing work flows, capacity and portfolios.

As we’ve been in the midst of school holidays and the August slow down, we’ve been trying to keep momentum, dancing between the urgency to start to mobilise and seed the date and keeping creative energy, connections and opportunities alive — we are trying to mobilise 1 million people from all backgrounds, its not just ideas we’re creating but also trying to catalyse networks, media platforms, and influence to get behind the call out.

I won’t lie — its been bonkers, exhausting, exciting, frustrating, annoying, hilarious and beautiful.

But at last count we believe there are about 16 projects and crews developing ideas and tactics to launch in the next couple of weeks, ready to pump hard through September alongside a UKSCN x NGO collaboration campaign.

There’s films, posters, flyers, memes, stickers, agency and business activations and challenges, photo and art activations, influencer network and social content ideas, TV program maker interventions, cinema ad reel negotiations and much more!

We will feature all projects in the next post together with links to them and signposts to an open source folder where all assets and content being created will be available for anyone to access and use.

But currently the following amazing humans are all working on projects that we know of: W&K, Comms Lab x Purpose Disruptors x Iris, Ted Hunt, MereMortals, Brave Bison, ThoughtDen x Framestore, Glug, Paddy Loughman and Chris Baker, OurScreen, Rubber Republic, Sara Bender, Music X Film, GlassEye, TMW Unlimited, Jim Holt, Evva Semenowicz & Kasia Kliszek.

We sense there maybe more, and it’s not too late to get involved. All you need to do is push the CTA: To get out onto the streets on September 20th and signpost to UKSCN who will have all the details on where/how etc

There’s conversations opening up in the U.S to take these concepts and build them out ready to mobilise for the US strikes which run a week later on the 27th September.

And of course we hope as many businesses and people will down tools, leave home or work and get out on the street to make some noise.

It’s a beautiful experiment in emergent creative generosity, a rebellion of the heart.

via Iain Tait

Do hit us up with any questions, thoughts, ideas, collaborations, offers of funding etc >

Until next time,

Peace and Out

Dan Burgess @ Good for Nothing



Good for Nothing

A rebellion of the heart. Creative generosity. Gift your gifts. #DoGoodinYourHood #Giftivism #GoodforNothing #Rebellionoftheheart