#Codefunk, why we need it…

Michael Rhema
2 min readAug 16, 2015


About #CodeFunk, well I grew up on abit of WarrenG G-funk.. .. blah blah blah.. itsreally on of those rap sub genres that uses sampling a lot. As a developer in a developing country, if you’re quiet good at what you do, you get to do a lot of new challenging stuff often. Mostly big projects, with not a large budget or team of developers your cadre. So I thought to my self, Stackoverflow, Codepen, JSFiddle , Google.. they all help out immensely when you can isolate your code problem and need help with just that problem at that point. Back to my situation, the idea #Codefunk is to help developers and project managers, who don’t have the resources or experience to build good, scale-able, secure, standard applications start to finish, to do all the hardwork but with the best guidance. I’ve already got a small prototype built on wordpress running on my localhost. Ill be happy to upload it to github if anyone thinks its a cool idea. So if I wanna build say, a music app, I can start with just that post or title.. if any other devs are interested, they can out line for start, the requirements needed to build a cool music player app, other devs can come in with other suggestions about what other steps to take, no one really has to write code to help the project owner out. Samples (posts and suggestions, links) will do just fine. It should be lean and agile and of course open source so every one can learn and contribute and improve. Good idea ?



Michael Rhema

Like those before me, I think therefore I am. These are my Javascript, Tech & Personal development notes. ixit.com.ng