The Galactic Squad Begins: Super Warrior Serum113

5 min readMay 4, 2024

“So few?” Zhou Yuan raised an eyebrow as he glanced at the balance of soul points. In the recent wave of insect tides, he only managed to accumulate a mere 180,000 soul points, which was indeed pitifully scarce. Despite unleashing four tactical nuclear bombs, five shock grenades, and ten native biomass grenades in rapid succession, not to mention the relentless firing of the gauss gun, he begrudgingly accepted this figure. Well, 180,000 was still 180,000; he reluctantly acknowledged the number, considering the difference between blasting a nest of insects and facing an insect tide.

As everyone smoothly ascended to the shore, Zhou Yuan took the lead into the cave. There were many caves here, and the one he chose was the largest, with a diameter of a hundred meters. He intended to locate the fatal point of this super colossal organism, and following the largest cave was the most likely way to find it, possibly in the stomach or lungs. Walking in the cave formed of flesh and blood was indeed frightening; everywhere were flesh and mucous membranes, and beneath their feet were pulsating tender flesh, evoking an extremely bloody and eerie sensation.

The cave was quite lengthy, and it took the group three minutes to reach the end. At the end was a pool of blood, or rather, a blood hole. It was a blood-flesh circular hole with a diameter of about three hundred meters, with a pool of blood formed at the bottom, and the blood would float, forming numerous blood beads in the air, finally covering the surrounding flesh walls. Zhou Yuan shook his head; their objective was to leave this place, not to persist here. “Understood!” Seeing Zhou Yuan’s gesture, Kenny also understood his intention and refrained from further comments. Next, the group continued to delve deeper into the fleshy cave. Zhou Yuan changed his approach to navigation, starting to explore the internal structure of the cave and search for possible fatal points or hidden passages.

Above is the revised result of the content, which I hope is helpful to you. Instead of searching for large caves everywhere, we choose those densely vascularized caves as targets. After about half an hour of walking, we finally found what we wanted. The team is now in a blood-flesh cave nearly a hundred meters long and nearly five meters wide, with a blood-flesh door at the end. This blood-flesh door is composed of many small flesh valves, which are closed together and look like the mouth of a worm. “We’ve found it!” Seeing this blood-flesh door, I smiled. Most of the caves we passed before were straight through, without protection or obstruction, while this cave presented a dead-end situation. Obviously, the area behind this blood-flesh door was much more important than the areas we had passed before.

“Collect samples and open it.” I took two steps back and raised my hand to signal everyone to start working. I had Kenny carry a protective box, and whenever he saw particularly unique flesh and blood on the way, he would cut off a small piece to give to Morgan for research later. “Pfft…” The small flesh valves on the blood-flesh door were very sensitive; Kenny only cut off a small piece, and they quickly closed back into the blood-flesh wall. “Damn it!” “It’s really disgusting; I can even smell that stench!” “There might be its stomach ahead!” After the door opened, it revealed an enormous blood-flesh cave, more than fifty meters wide and seemingly bottomless. The cave was filled with red and green mucus, enveloping many insect corpses and rocks. The insect corpses and rocks were heavily corroded, emitting a corrosive white smoke, with pits and bumps all over. Obviously, the red-green mucus enveloping them was highly corrosive. “Back off and test these liquids.” I beckoned everyone to step back, avoiding the red-green mucus gushing out of the blood-flesh cave. “Captain, the corrosion level is Grade 4!” a team member reported after testing with the instrument, his tone somewhat heavy. The Federation divides the acidity corrosion level into Grade 1 to 6, with Grade 4 representing strong corrosion, where space armor wouldn’t last half an hour if immersed in Grade 4 strong corrosive liquid. “Grade 4…” I nodded, silently resolving to be cautious. After a brief calculation and discussion, we decided to move forward at full speed and attempt to traverse this passage.

“If we can’t pass through this passage within fifteen minutes, we’ll place tactical nuclear bombs at the deepest point we can reach and then retreat at full speed.” If we can pass through this passage, we will continue to advance deeper, only returning before the transport ship becomes unable to bear it. “Understood, Captain!” Upon receiving the order, our team immediately sprang into action and moved forward at full speed. Fourteen people stepped forward vigorously, rushing towards the depths of the cave. The internal shape of this cave was somewhat like a funnel. Initially, the cave had a diameter of over fifty meters, but after five minutes, the diameter had shrunk to only five or six meters. The deeper we went, the smaller the cave became. The cave became steeper and steeper, resembling a landslide. Led by Zhou Yuan, the team trudged past a pile of insect corpses burnt by corrosive liquid, and suddenly, Reza, holding a telescope, exclaimed.

“Captain, things are not looking good!” His voice carried a hint of tension, “About one kilometer ahead, there seems to be a… cliff.”

“These corrosive liquids are like rushing rivers, washing away everything around them,” Reza added.

“A cliff?” Zhou Yuan’s eyes flashed with shock, immediately quickening his pace. From the position of the transport ship to here, they had experienced an increasing corrosiveness of the corrosive liquid. If the growth of this corrosiveness could be likened to a part of the biological structure, then the position they were in should be the esophagus of the super colossal organism, and further down would be the stomach.

Arriving at the “cliff” pointed out by Reza, Zhou Yuan’s expression became solemn, quickly stepping back a few steps. The end of this cave was indeed a cliff, and quite a terrifying one at that. Standing at the edge, he couldn’t see the bottom, only boundless darkness, as if everything had been swallowed by darkness.

Suddenly, a sound of breaking wind came from the darkness. Zhou Yuan subconsciously took a few steps back, raising the gauss gun nervously and firing towards the front.

