The Galactic Squad Begins: Super Warrior Serum145

6 min readMay 6, 2024

“The brainworm has been eliminated, hasn’t it?” Zhou Yuan fired several shots in succession, then used telekinesis to retrieve the heavy machine gun and large revolver in his hands, beginning to deal with the insects around him. He was now surrounded tightly by soldier bugs. If it weren’t for his mastery of telekinesis, hypnosis, and mental manipulation, he would have been pierced to death by the soldier bugs around him long ago. “Shoot to your heart’s content, don’t leave a single bullet!” After loudly reminding his teammates, he extended his hands, moving gracefully as he rotated, both guns firing simultaneously to prevent the soldier bugs from approaching. The secret technique he employed — firing continuously! The disappearance of the brainworm did not mean they had achieved victory; it was merely the beginning of the detonation. Without the brainworm’s command, the soldier bugs would revert to a state of frenzy, launching fierce attacks on the slaughter team. The real battle had only just begun. However, the situation wasn’t too dire yet. Zhou Yuan saw that his teammates were still standing there, indicating that the recent mental attack from the brainworm was directed solely at him. Therefore, he didn’t need to divert his attention to care for his teammates; he only needed to keep unleashing firepower. As an outstanding warrior, his greatest strength lay in output. In any battlefield, regardless of the enemy faced, this was his forte. “Boom! Boom!” At this moment, a series of explosions echoed from the hive. Just now, when Zhou Yuan used telekinesis to elevate firearms, he also lifted all the grenades of the team into the air. Four B1 native grenades and thirteen high-explosive grenades. The native grenades were thrown in all directions, one in each direction, precisely covering the four directions to create a biochemical toxic mist barrier. The thirteen high-explosive grenades were thrown toward the wormholes, targeting the cracks in the walls that had been noticed earlier, to completely seal off five wormholes after detonation. These seventeen grenades exploding significantly alleviated the defensive pressure on the team. Although the situation was still severe, it wasn’t so bad that they couldn’t handle it. “Everyone, gather around me!” After clearing the soldier bugs around him, Zhou Yuan insincerely swapped out a fresh magazine for the heavy machine gun, then leaped a few steps onto the brainworm’s corpse. “Hiss!” The soldier bugs saw Zhou Yuan’s actions and became furious. Not only had they lost their leader, but now someone was riding on their leader’s corpse. It was simply outrageous! Consequently, their attacks became even more intense. Even in the face of Zhou Yuan’s guns, they risked being hit to extend their large pincers and attack Zhou Yuan. “Bang! Bang! Bang!” “Trying to deal with me? You’re far from capable!” Zhou Yuan remained calm, retracting the large revolver and raising the heavy machine gun to fire wildly, occasionally rotating his body. Possessing three mental abilities to deal with soldier bugs, he had no need to worry about being bitten by them. With just a thought, he could control them. He directly displayed his mental prowess! … After a minute of intense fighting, the situation gradually stabilized. Although the space in the hive was not as vast as the wormholes, it was still a limited usable space. With the powerful firepower of the six people, plus the support of two heavy robots, this defensive battle went quite smoothly. More and more insect corpses blocked most of the wormholes, preventing the swarm from continuing to replenish their forces. However, the firepower of the slaughter team also began to decline. “Captain, I’m running out of ammunition!” “I’m out, only left with a pistol!” “Captain, everyone’s ammunition is running low, and the battery is almost depleted!” The members reported one after another, and the ammunition problem became a widespread concern, even the two heavy robots couldn’t hold on for much longer. They had encountered too many insects along the way, and being able to support until now was the result of conserving usage. “We need to conserve ammo!” Zhou Yuan took off the ammo box from his back and took out two magazine slings that could equip rifles from it, distributing them to the team members. Many people may not know that the magazines for the heavy machine gun were universal, capable of using both built-in ammunition chains and standard 5.56×45mm rifle magazines, serving as either a machine gun or a large rifle. Therefore, he filled the ammo box, leaving space in the middle of the large magazine to store spare rifle magazines. His heavy machine gun had the characteristic of infinite bullets, so he didn’t need to carry too much ammunition himself. These magazine slings were prepared for the team members. This habit had been formed since he served as the leader of the hunter squad and had been maintained until now. After all, the reliance on firepower was so heavy. Without carrying two or three people’s worth of ammunition, he always felt that he would die for lack of ammunition once he went out. “Well done!” “Captain, you’re a genius!” Seeing Zhou Yuan carrying spare rifle magazines, the team members were greatly encouraged. Two magazine slings, equipped with 20 magazines. Twenty magazines were originally the standard ammunition configuration for two people, but at this moment, they were timely stimulants, enough to support them to continue fighting. “Bang! Bang! Bang!” One soldier bug after another was killed, and the team members slowly changed their positions. After clearing the soldier bugs around the brainworm’s corpse, they also came to the side of the brainworm’s corpse. Behind the brainworm’s corpse was a wormhole, but that wormhole had been destroyed by Zhou Yuan. Therefore, this position was relatively safe, and they could use the brainworm’s corpse as cover to focus on dealing with the insects in front and on the left and right sides. “Witness my power, invincible!” As the situation gradually stabilized, Zhou Yuan began to enjoy the thrill of battle. Transforming into a juvenile delinquent, he continually mocked himself internally, waving his hands. His right hand firmly pressed the trigger of the heavy machine gun, while his left hand transformed into a commander with psychic sensing ability, directing attacks wherever needed, feeling extremely gratifying. He now probably understood how happy Karl was in the future. This psychic sensing ability was truly powerful. With just a thought, he could remotely control the soldier bugs and even hypnotize or manipulate them to serve him. “The system seems to

have said that I awakened a new skill just now?” Thinking of his psychic sensing ability, Zhou Yuan suddenly remembered the prompt that had appeared in the system just now. He had almost been overwhelmed by the brainworm’s mental attack earlier, so he hadn’t paid attention to the system, but now he could take a look. [Ding, detected host awakening new skill!] [Skill bar updated, new addition: Psychic Storm.] [Congratulations to the host for awakening the new skill, obtained three Level 3 Soul Boxes, two Level 2 Soul Boxes, and one Level 1 Soul Box. Would you like to open them?] Opening the prompt panel, Zhou Yuan glanced quickly. “Psychic Storm?” Seeing the name of this new skill, Zhou Yuan’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated. From the name alone, Psychic Storm should be the move the brainworm had just used, which he generally referred to as ‘psychic shock’ and ‘mental explosion.’ But this matter was somewhat strange. Awakening a new ability inexplicably wasn’t quite normal. Shaking his head to dispel the doubts in his mind, Zhou Yuan gave a loud order, “Everyone, attention, break through the wormhole in the original 8 o’clock direction!” The original target was the 2 o’clock direction, but now they had circled around and ended up at the left 8 o’clock direction. Find a safe place and try out what this new skill is all about.

