New year, new marketing trends: What to expect in 2018

G8 Labs
3 min readJan 10, 2018


Photo by Ryan Wong on Unsplash

New year, new resolutions. What are yours? Do you plan to keep up with the new marketing trends or just look the other way? Here you’ll get a sneak peek of the latest and hottest tools and strategies for this upcoming year. Don’t worry, you’ve plenty of time to catch up, don’t start hyperventilating.

Getting picky with AI

2017 has been quite the year for artificial intelligence, but it still has a long way to go. Now marketers are hoping to get quality over quantity data to pinpoint meaningful patterns that can help develop a solid strategy.
They’ll get past the glitter of cheap data collection and focus on down-to-earth utility. That or consumers will turn the other way, like in 2016 when poor personalization caused a 43% consumer loss.
All in all, it’s a brand-new year to cut the cheapness and get the true value.

Augmented reality, like for real

Brace yourselves, AR is coming. The contenders? Apple, Facebook and Google. The battle for the best user experience with fancy new technology is on and, as marketers, we need to be on the lookout for the best social media platform to boost our business.
But how does AR work? It basically links your daily physical environment to digital information. Remember the Pokémon GO boom? Well, that was augmented reality and geeks were loving it. Marketers will also turn into AR fans when companies launch new technology in 2018.

Strict influencer screening

According to a study published by Linqia, 39% of the professionals who were surveyed plan to invest more in influencers. The thing is, in 2018 it’ll be quite the strife to start working as an influencer for a brand. With one of the strongest marketing trends of the year, companies will sift through the overwhelming market and hire influencers that can turn out to be long-term brand advocators. Yes, more money will be invested, but in fewer influencers. The good news is those who pass the test will be loaded.

Strike them in the FOMO chord with ephemeral content

Ephemeral content is impermanent and it may sound unnatural to tap into this content for your marketing purposes, but it’s one of the marketing trends that will continue to grow in 2018. Yes, it sounds counterproductive, but to make an everlasting impression you need to create fleeting content.

There’s so much going on right now that users don’t have time to focus on the past. The present is what they’ll invest time in. Its obvious since all Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook users check out their stories daily. But why? For the dreadful fear of missing out, a.k.a ‘FOMO’. With ephemeral content, you’ll become part of users’ daily routine and interacting will thus be much easier.

Tailor-made content

Throw your generic content out the window. In 2018, you’ll have to create thousands of content pieces for a single marketing campaign. In this way, users will get more personalised videos and articles that they’ll actually find appealing.
There are softwares to help you take off with one of the biggest marketing trends of the year, like Youtube’s Director Mix. This service lets you learn about different data, like demographics, places the users have been to and apps they’ve downloaded. With this info, you’ll no longer be scratching your head trying to figure how to lure customers in.

Change the conversation

Stop picking random keywords out of your Adwords account! It’s time to do some real content with topics that grasp the user’s attention. Hone your expertise in particular fields and deliver top-notch content that will make your users say ‘Wow, they really know what’s up’. By focusing on specific topics, you’ll gradually be able to become a thought leader and gain the audience’s respect.

Ok, so there will probably be much more going on this year, but now you have a head start with these marketing trends!



G8 Labs

We create high-impact companies in the digital world. We are dedicated to create, expand, monetize and optimize our existing and new digital business units.