03. GM Weeknotes –6th Aug 21📅

Gabby Morris
4 min readAug 9, 2021


Hello, Welcome! 👋

Three weeks into weeknotes! There’s lots of introduction and context which you can read over here in my first one. If this is your first time reading my weeknotes, welcome! If not thanks for coming back. I am still figuring out a style/content. I have been taking a lot of inspiration from this medium post, but for now I am just trying to jump straight in to my week.

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This week’s context 📌

9 weeks into my internship with the CCI in Glasgow. Working on a range of projects this week, dipping into my Food Project a bit but mainly focusing on Design Events & Bloomberg prototyping.

The week seemed to be fly by this week and reflecting back I felt like there wasn’t as much time as normal, probably because we’re coming up to the close of this Intern process and I am trying to wrap projects into nice conclusions.

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Food Project 🍎

Following on from last week, my week consisted on working on my postcard prototyping with the team. I wanted to get feedback on some of the questions, so I have been developing a way of doing this in Miro as we are still working remotely! Pulling together a Miro style post-carding activity.

I have created a digital session using Miro that will enable people to choose different prompts, then write something according to the prompt. The main part is then adding their explanation for why the chose the prompt — this will help me understand what questions work and what don’t.

Developed digital postcards in Procreate

This is followed by a feedback session which should help to add more information to why people chose different cards, but also what they would do differently, what questions they think would be useful that weren’t on my prototypes.

It doesn’t completely recreate a physical experience, prototype but I think for the initial development of the questions it helps t get the understanding I am looking for.

Setup in Miro of the Postcard Workshop

Other Projects 💻

I am working on a few other projects with my team, supporting the Neighbourhood designers at the CCI. I can’t talk about a lot of the ongoing work, but again this has been a lot of researching and understanding communities

I have also been thinking about COP26 and events that are taking place and what design workshops might happen during that time. What these workshops might look like and how they would run.

A lot of the week was assigned to researching different UK design events, which was really insightful into what is happening around design in the UK.

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New this week 🤓

Google Browser Update

I updated my Chrome Browser and have been using the tabbing system to work my efficiently, I know I am not the only designer to struggle with hundreds of tabs especially with so much of my work now on Miro boards. These tabs have helped me focus on different elements and pin the items I use the most like Sunsama (see below)


I have been using this now for quite a few weeks and wanted to wait to talk about it, to make sure it had the desired impact on my work. I have been working across multiple projects, but also personal projects versus work projects. This app has really helped me work my efficiently and with more satisfaction!

Key things for me that have helped:

  • Assigning planned time and then see actual time against tasks
  • Subtasks across a week — enabling me to split a big weekly goal across a whole weeks worth of time and tasks
  • Having channels so I can see each week where I am working the most
  • Time checking, I used to use Toggl but now fully focus everything on Sunsama
Not my week, this is from Sunsama’s website



Gabby Morris

Designer, Researcher & Regen Futures Lecturer | Designing joyful, hopeful experiences: 📘Futures 🥦 Food 🪱 Soil 🩺 Health. Feeling-provoking Designer