04. GM Weeknotes 13th Aug 21📅

Gabby Morris
4 min readAug 16, 2021


Hello, Welcome! 👋

Already realising that my week gets quite busy towards the end of the week and I find doing my weekly wrap up hard, so this is late again, but I am still enjoying the process of reflection.

If you want to catch up on previous weeks start over here. If this is your first time reading my weeknotes, welcome! If not thanks for coming back.

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This week’s context 📌

I am 10 weeks into my 12 week internship with CCI Glasgow, so my project is coming to a wrap up and I am mostly sorting through loose ends and thinking about what I want to present back to my team at the end of this time. It feels really strange to be leaving and it has gone so quick! I took a day off this week too, it was my wife’s birthday, so my weeknotes are slightly shorter than normal!

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Food Project 🍎

Thinking about the previous week, where I was showing the work I have been doing on unstructured stories and developing a Miro prototype for the team, this week we worked through the prototype and I had a lot of great feedback. It also worked really well in the session online, which was something I was a bit concerned about.

The team came up with some really great suggestions for where this could be used and also where we could develop different questions. One of the most liked questions for the project was “List the items in your fridge” — I agree that this is a really non-obtrusive way of getting to understand what people are eating in food poverty and hear more qualitative insights.

One of the next steps really is to think about:

  1. Where this method of gathering data could be used, if not on this project where else is it useful for the team.
  2. How could we make it useful for the participants, how do we make it relevant to them and not just taking data… how do we make it delightful or useful.

For number 2 I am pulling together ideas for an event. Watch this space for that, hoping to have more of an update next week!

Other Projects 💻

I am working on a few other projects with my team, supporting the Neighbourhood designers at the CCI. I can’t talk about a lot of the ongoing work.

This week I have been focused on looking at user journeys and developing ideas for ways to bring student design projects further into the real world.

I met up with Fiona from NHS GGC and Charlotte from GCFN this week, it’s a month since we last met up to discuss the projects we’ve been working on. It’s been a really great way to keep abreast of how their Food projects and the work they are doing in Glasgow is developing.

Fiona is running a new network in NE Glasgow around food and growing — so if you’re interested give me a shout and I will send on the details.

Reflecting on these meetings (we’ve now had 3 over the period of time I have been on the internship) they have been really useful and also nice to meet different people working elsewhere but for the same interests. I think it would be more and more useful for people, especially in the same city, to pair up with others and discuss what they’re doing and how they can maybe support eachother, not just at a strategic level.

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New this week 🤓


New this week for me is using Ar.ena, which a colleague told me about. It’s almost like a hybrid between bookmarks and pinterest… but for reading and articles. You can categorise your reading and save images, PDF, online articles etc. plus you can collaborate.

Nothing work related or even design related here, but one of the best things this week was trying Tomatoes from Locavore CIC in Glasgow. These tomatoes are pretty special because not only are they super local — grown in Glasgow and delivered to me in my veg box but I helped to actually plant them on their volunteer day!

My hands planting the tomatoes back in May versus them grown this week



Gabby Morris

Designer, Researcher & Regen Futures Lecturer | Designing joyful, hopeful experiences: 📘Futures 🥦 Food 🪱 Soil 🩺 Health. Feeling-provoking Designer