A Guided Kubernetes Meditation

Gabriel Abinante
3 min readApr 29, 2019


Kubernetes-native application is your focus word. Repeat it to yourself. We will now begin the meditation.

When you need a rest, you can set the type field to ClusterIP.

If you’re using the Kubernetes v1.1, and are thus considered “dead”, hear the sounds around you. Enjoy floating on a cloud. You are warm and comfortable and maintaining the desired state for your cluster that is running in the air.

Otherwise, Notice all of the states you that desire. Be aware of that desire. Complete your management Using kubectl version >= 1.5.

Breathe in again, saying your focus word and breathing in any way…. with each breath you lift yourself up and obtain a deeper understanding of how Kubernetes works.

The grass recedes further away as you rise higher still, suddenly coming through the city, drifting in and out and keeping track of which Pods are actually answered by a single host.

Focus your mind so you feel the movement of the Helm Chart format.

Kubernetes can run on almost any platform: Horses enclosed in a corral. Sunset. A flock of black birds in the sky.

Realize the power of kubernetes as you lift yourself farther into the sky. The hoot of an owl. The sounds of your focus word. the green grass. Storm clouds. A cool breeze. The crack of thunder. The dark sky illuminated by Kubernetes Control Plane’s interface. The sounds of your focus word. Blue sky. Blue, cloudless sky. Birds singing. A walled garden. Lush, green grass below, and the whisper of your focus word, enabling privileged pods created and managed as a group by abstractions that represent your cluster.

You can use the Kubernetes Control Plane to maintain a record of all of the stress and tension in your life. Breathe it out and let it go.

Start to change your breath to flow gently out your clusterIP field. Continue In this rhythm to sooth and relax yourself, all the while starting or restarting Kubernetes Objects Using Imperative Commands.

as you breathe out, say your focus word, repeating with 3 replicas. Those replicas are fungible — frontends do not care which backends they use.

During your journey dealing with stress, you may want to configure a service account and rules, before processing a traumatic experience, as a place to visit and play with reality. Take a deep breath and notice your own inner power, that you create and destroy Pods dynamically as you breathe. When you think of proxying a port, you can touch it. What would it feel like?

Take another breath and begin to heal from that stress. Kubernetes Service is observed by all of the kube-proxyinstances in the system working to heal you…. picture the healing that needs to take place as they continue to spread throughout your body, from your head from side to side… Drift wherever you like, but exist in this beautiful scene, repeating your focus word and floating on a cluster in the cloud.

As you float, you can see containers in the pod sharing resources and dependencies. Move your hands into fists, and coordinate when and how they are terminated.

Notice all of the kubectl command-line interfaces and increase your relaxation…. breathe out as you say your focus word, willing the tension to go away even more….

It is okay to ask for what you are starting the required application container (or, in some cases, multiple Pods, one for each inhalation.) But for now don’t worry about or think about the parts of the orchestration. Just breathe in kubernetes. your lungs expand… and notice, that you yourself provide a new desired state.

Everything has a value. The value 0, for example, force deletes the pod. Focus on your own value and your desired state: what applications or other workloads you want to run, what container images they use, the number of replicas, what network and disk resources you want to make available, and more.

Now turn to your workstation, feeling relaxation….

Say your focus word one final time, and release the tension in your body.

Finally, Enter

kubectl describe pod FooPodName

and the describe command output will say:

Error validating pod “FooPodName, user can set the .spec.clusterIP field.

