Career Highlight: Community Management

2 min readSep 5, 2022

What is a Community Manager?

Think of a bridge. 🌉 A bridge connects two things that would not normally have the ease of being connected. Community Management (CMGR) is just that, CMGRs are the bridge between the company’s users and the company itself. You are the face of the company, and create change within the company through the users you interact with on a daily basis.

There is Online Community management, where you are managing either on Slack, Discord, Geneva, or any other community platforms. In-person Community management is exactly what it sounds like, you are generally meeting with people in person, creating events, hosting mixers, and getting people excited about different topics. Social Media Community Management is rallying all of the individuals that follow you on different socials. Lastly, Brand Community Management is different in that the goal of the community manager is to help build brand awareness.

Project Highlight

Ok, the project is simple. There are 4 steps:

👉 Think of a topic you are passionate about, or like talking about. (Example: Coffee)

👉 Now that you have your topic picked out. Let’s consider an online platform that you want to build your community on. (Example: Slack, Discord, Facebook Groups, Geneva, etc)

  • Once you have landed on the platform you want. Let’s start creating your online community. Let’s pick a name! (Example: Coffee Finder, Coffee Lovers)
  • It can have an Introductions channel, or it can have a “Water Cooler” section — this is where conversations are typically sparked off the cuff.
  • You can build sections or just one section whichever you prefer. I always say, start small, and then go from there!

👉 Alright, now let’s start generating content. These can be things you add to the group to stir up conversations.” I.e. Hey all! What is your favorite coffee?☕️”

  • Be sure to post consistently. Every Monday and Wednesday, and see the discussions grow!

👉 You built your community! Let’s see how many people can join your community in one month!

