
Gabriel Nuer
1 min readAug 1, 2022


Me! Like 4 years ago but still a good photo

Hi! I’m Gabriel Nuer, a 20-year-old college student studying architecture at UC Berkeley. I’m working on spending more of my free time being productive and creative, so I’ve decided to start a blog and now you all have to listen to everything I have to say because I’m a source of authority and everything I say is the truth because I said so.

In all seriousness though, I’ll be writing about whatever’s on my mind at any given moment, so if whatever I’m writing about sounds interesting, drop a follow and tag along!

Sometimes I’ll be analyzing works of art (usually photography, made by me), on other occasions I’ll be looking at concepts I’ve been studying in my courses (usually about design or urban planning), and I’ll even maybe perhaps if I feel strongly obliged to talk about tech (but only as it relates to the subjects I talk about on a more regular basis.

This is an incredibly short introduction, but I only just decided to start this right now, so I don’t have much to say. I’ll probably write a more in-depth post 6 months from now once I get a better idea of how I want to use this platform, but until then, enjoy!



Gabriel Nuer

photography, design, and how we interact with the world