Lunar Ranch

Gabe Sotomayor
3 min readMar 19, 2023


Lunar Ranch is a real-time strategy game that was created in a capstone student group of myself including seven other students. The story has a premise of this: You’re an alien who crash landed on the moon after your ship malfunctioned. Experience what it’s like to be a humble farmer on the moon and form relationships with the humans and robots that live there as you work to make enough money to fix your ship and return home.

My job duties involved creating 2D pixelated sprites, animated sprites, and sound effects. We used an Excel spreadsheet to delegate tasks and setting hard and soft deadlines.

Down below are some of the tasks that I did for my group including some screenshots of the different assets that I had created for each task.

Seed icons:

Seed icons

Crop sprites:

Crop sprites

Inventory icons:

Environment sprites:

Environment sprites


Lastly, in addition I was also tasked with creating the names and descriptions of the seeds, crops, and animals. I also created spritesheets of different animals in Piskel, as that was a way for me to animate them. A screenshot of one of my created spritesheets of an animal is down below.

Spritesheet of Yokovich

We had to complete our game in one semester, and we had certain milestones to reach, as in when to complete and turn in our Pitch, Technical Design Document, Project Plan, Pre-Alpha Build, QA Testing, Final Game Design Document, and Alpha Build with us presenting our finished game.

Overall, it was a successful first complete game in my student career, as my classmates and myself were all sophomores in our community college during this capstone class.

The page of the game where you can find more information about it as well as download the game and play it can be found at this link below.

