Gabi Grace
3 min readFeb 10, 2018

Granny Love

There was one person that loved me more than anyone else in the whole wide world. That person was my Granny.

When I was born, my grandmother was going through a very tough time. She was depressed and suicidal. I became her reason for living, and her whole remaining life was dedicated to loving me. It’s a great feeling to know that someone loved me more than life itself. Anyone could see her love for me by just looking at her and the smile that I put on her face.

Granny was beaten by her husband the entire time they were married. Biologically my grandfather, I never called him that. Everyone called him by his full name, first and last. I never heard anyone call him by just his first name.

He was MEAN. He used to knock around my father and uncle when they were children also. That may make it sound tame, but what he did to them was anything but.

On one of the occasions he decided to beat my Granny (mind you this was all before I was born), she ran into the bathroom and locked the door. My grandfather pounded on the door trying to get in, so she blocked the door with her body. He went and got an ax. She didn’t know this as she was barricaded in the bathroom. He reared back and swung that ax into the door. Not only did it go through the door, but also into my Granny’s head.

I don’t know how she survived! I think an ax through the top of the head was the last straw. She finally left him.

Granny became very depressed afterward. In a drunken state, she tried to blow her brains out, but she dropped the gun (maybe changed her mind?) and blew off her hip. She had to have an artificial hip put in after that incident.

She lived a hard life.

Granny did not know about the things I lived with at my mother’s. No one did. I never told so she could never have rescued me. As I said before, I thought my mother wouldn’t survive without me and that it was my job to take care of her.

But…for those two months a year that I lived at my father’s, my Granny spoiled me rotten. She loved on me and gave me all that attention that I never received any other time. I sent her copies of my report cards as well as letters and poems that I had written, it all was proudly displayed on her refrigerator.

I once made a life-sized paper doll with my likeness in school, and it ended up at Granny’s. She kept that doll her whole life. It was always standing up next to her closet doors, so she could “see” me all the time.

Many times my Aunt surprised Granny with a bus ticket to come see me as her birthday or Christmas present. She just wanted to be with me as much as possible.

It is an amazing feeling to be loved by someone that much. I think God put Granny in my life because he knew I would need her!

Please read my next post: Violent Reactions

Gabi Grace

My favorite movie quote is “Childhood is what you spend the rest of your life trying to overcome” ~ Hope Floats, and that is what my blog is about — overcoming.