Trailer life

Gabi Grace
2 min readMay 12, 2017


Trailer life

Mom and I lived in that little trailer for a year or so. I made friends with another kid in the park that was practically my same age that did not have life much better. I also started spending a lot of time with my new best friend Candie. She really distracted me from my mother’s issues and gave me someone to spend time with.

Candie lived a little over three miles away, and she also had an absentee mother, we walked to each other’s house frequently. I guess it was not a big deal for a 14-year-old to walk three miles away, day or night, in those days.

We even walked the length of one of our small town’s major roads one night, a little over four miles one-way, but we did take my Rottweiler with us that time. Two 14-year-olds against the world!

Mom and her boyfriend ended up buying a brand new trailer together and parking it in a beautiful spot on my grandmother’s land, completely surrounded by woods except for the driveway itself. Things were looking up, but there was still that cocaine issue going on in the background…

And soon, it would all come to a screeching halt over some wet carpet and a grapevine…

Please read the next phase of my story at Swinging on a Grapevine



Gabi Grace

My favorite movie quote is “Childhood is what you spend the rest of your life trying to overcome” ~ Hope Floats, and that is what my blog is about — overcoming.