Archan Permaculture

Gabriel Lechemin
5 min readDec 15, 2023


Picture by Leonhard Geupel, the Wizard taking this picture, while two Witches and a Magician look at the mountains of south of France from Pic du Midi de Bigorre. An Archetypal distillation of our Gameplans happened there while the eagles were whirling around shouting and the mist subtly reshaping the landscape. This is part of the experiment and Bridge-House named Art’chiarchy Bridge-House, in High-Pyrenees, French territory.

A new Radically Responsible culture is necessary to regenerate the Earth, originating Creation, Healing, Love, Collaboration and Evolution.

The culture of Archiarchy is no different.

Something totally different is possible right now.


Archiarchy is the next culture, the culture that regenerates Planet Earth through the power of authentically initiated humans into adulthood that have shifted their point of origin to Radical Responsibility. This is a culture where the Invisible Value is the source that flows to empower inner and outer transformation.

Archan Permaculture

Permaculture in its very first version provided tools and maps for regeneration of the Earth, Archan Permaculture is providing evolution for human life collaboration, deep trust, love, art, healing, with the tools of Permaculture land design and management and the thoughtware of Possibility Management.

Archan Permaculture is the complete recentering of your relationship to the Earth. Although Permaculture has made huge leaps in how western civilization uses land and resources, the gameworld does not include upgraded thoughtware, consequently Gaia is still “a resource to be managed”. The initiation processes necessary for humans to go through and jack in their inner resources to bring them into intimate contact with outer resources including the physical, emotional, intellectuel, energetic and archetypal bodies are not offered through Permaculture. These are provided through that of Archan Permaculture. Meaning something far closer to reality it possible…

To think that reality is ‘what is’ would be truly naive. Even physicists consider this view to be obsolete, just as Plato’s cave and Buddhist philosophy considered it long ago. No, reality is perceived through a filter, sometimes called ‘ego’, worldview, culture, concepts… not to name it in general, a filter through which reality is seen through the lenses of those who see. If you believe that reality is ‘what is’, you are probably seeing the world through your lenses, your box (a collection of choices you have made about reality that is not reality).

The particular view that considers that mankind should dominate nature is obsolete. This view assumes that humans are above the rest of nature, superior, and that since we are top of the food chain, the land and its resources are ours for the taking. It is a cruel relationship, flavored by disregard for the natural state of any given area. It is the idea that because the land is there and I exist on top of it, it should give me what I want. It is exploitative, hierarchical, and deeply violent.

To truly practice Permaculture, you must recognize that the land is not inanimate, but deeply alive. It has needs and wants that may be counter to yours, just like any other person you love. It is recognizing that you cannot change the needs and wants of the earth any more than you can change the needs and wants of a person. Archan Permaculture is completely changing your relationship to the Earth. It is realizing that you are not the boss of the land, but that you are a son or a daughter of it. Would you treat your mother the way you treat the land around you?

Permaculture is a set of practices that strive to give the earth what she needs and wants, so that we may all in the end celebrate the bounty of what she produces. To engage with Archan Permaculture is to exit the exploitative fantasy land in regard to the earth and humans, living and working with ‘what is’ and not what we imagine could be or determine with self-interest.

Archan Permaculture is inner and outer design process, resulting from aliveness in the 5 bodies to be a guardian, possibilitator and a regenerator of planet Earth. An Archan Permaculture place is connected to a Bridge-House that uses Torus technology, 3 Phases Healing and Memetic Engineering. It is an emerging network of Bridge-houses and research centers all over the world.

Archan Permaculture is a living Creation (design) embedded in permanent feedback with life. It is applied to inner and outer gardens, the human ones, the natural ones and the interactions between the two: the world and how humans relate to it.

Archan Permaculture is the feel of wild grass under your hands high up in a mountainside. It is knowing that Gaïa is no fool, and that the internal gardens (your self-engineering and re-creation process) mirror the needs of the external. Archan Permaculture is seeing the world as it currently exists and stepping aside into a bubble of a new world that is just beginning to be formed.

Archan Permaculture is planting seeds of a new culture within the soil of new evolutionary thoughtware.

Archan Permaculture is the kind of permaculture that Archans do.

What Archans do?

For the human organism there is more to it than taking on a role as a worm does or a bird does or a goat does and fulfilling that ecological role by eating and pooing and scratching and incidentally or instinctively perhaps nurturing life around them as they go. We humans have our foundational food in, shit out cycle as well as needs for air, water, comfort and community. When we meet these needs while supporting other life we are in line with our traditional indigenous cultural role. Then there is also another level that exists now and was perhaps always there to an extent, but especially now with human capacities amplified to touch all corners of the earth, the human organism also has another facet to its role which goes beyond the traditional one.

This newer role is that of global gardeners, not in the sense of growing gardens all over the world, but in the sense of being a steward, tending and cultivating life on earth. In this role we repair wetlands and waterways, care for other species directly and for their habitats, enabling, fostering and catalyzing the conditions for life to thrive… for we can not manufacture life like we can make cars, what we can do is draw it forth and give shape to human systems that at the very least do no harm and preferably benefit life in multiple ways, spiraling off simultaneously in all directions. Part of being effective global gardeners is to create and occupy a culture that makes this kind of gardening inevitable and central, rather than some marginal, fringe activity.

MAP001 [last edited the 02/02/24]: The Map of Archan Permaculture, taking its roots into deep Archetypal Love (which is sourced from the initiation through the 3 worlds), immanent force of life dividing in 4 other Bright Principles: Healing, Collaboration, Creation, Evolution. Roots are the forces where the power comes from, the trunk is where the bridge is created, the canopee is where the Possibilities manifest in material world.

Archan Permaculture

A new Radically Responsible culture is necessary to regenerate the Earth, originating Creation, Healing, Love, Collaboration and Evolution.

The culture of Archiarchy is no different.

Special thanks to Gabriel H. Lechemin who ignited and synthesized the writings, Eithne Leahy for proofreading, multiple editing and co-creating with me, to James Andrews who created the part about “what Archans do” and James Samuel for pulling forth the whole Context and sourcing the 3 main branches of the Archan Permaculture Map. Special thanks also to Millicent Haughey for the final touch and to the Wizard Leonhard for questioning the purpose and the people I intended to reach. This has been an incredible 10 hands writing. Thank you team.



Gabriel Lechemin

Transformative Coach for a Regenerative Culture, Archan Permaculturist and Artist.