Rage Club, a ‘Clarity Laboratory’

Gabriel Lechemin
5 min readDec 2, 2023


Part 2: From confusion to Clarity.

As part of the creation of Bridge-House Art’chiarchy in France, from September 12 to October 8, 2023, 5 people, including Possibilitators in the making, came from the 4 corners of the world to put their anger to good use and dive into a Laboratory dedicated to feelings: the ‘Laboratory of Clarity’ aka ‘Rage Club’. More information at the end of the article.

A Rage Club is a space dedicated to bringing Clarity into your life. The starting point is simple: move from a state of confusion, fatigue or indecision to gain in clarity, agility and implement your life projects that are close to your heart, most of the time going through emotions to be overcome, transcended together.

These ‘Clarity Laboratories’ open new doors of perception and potential that were previously inaccessible, enabling access to a new culture, one that is fully responsible for life and living, and authentic.

“I feel like it’s the first time I’ve seen, my eyes are as if freed from a filter and colors are brighter, more vivid and reality clearer.”
— Ludivine, participant in the Clarity Laboratory on September 28, 2023 at Bridge-House Art’chiarchy.

As clarity fills the air, the next space spontaneously opens up and people begin to speak naturally from the gut. Words come out without a second thought. This is the consequence of a supportive cultural net called “Radically Responsible Context”. There’s no excuse for being a victim: everything counts. There’s no room for judgment and blame; resistance is accepted as part of the process. This is an important support in the context of un-training such as a Rage Club. Are my questions really alive, or are they just food for thought?

Am I ready to take the bull by the horns and address the issues that concern me? Or is it for later, to sweep them under the carpet and find excuses to say it’s someone else’s fault?

Our habits and ways of connecting to ourselves can fool us. If we’re used to living in a storm of self-doubt, inner violence and judgment, questioning and wavering, or having wandering thoughts and losing focus easily, it’s hard to tell the difference. Something inside us says “business as usual”.

Except no, it’s not decent to live an anguished life, riddled with doubts, or in a swamp of persifluous inner voices ruining our lives.

picture credit PxHere

“If one day you were confused without a purpose, you were confused all your life without knowing it”.
- (inspired by Cioran)

These spaces open doors in a clear, precise, protective context conducive to experimentation. Confidentiality is part of the context in which we can open up fully, lay down, die and be reborn to see other possibilities emerge.

“What worked with Gabriel was that he allowed himself to be sad while he held the space. I felt the space open up and blossom with infinite possibilities. there was no longer this barrier between the facilitator (space holder) and us participants. It was an important and truly enveloping container of transformation.”
- Eithne leahy, Rage Club Clarity Lab participant

“Everything worked. The sharing circles were really just right in terms of time. I feel awake and active. I’m naturally a person with a lot of resistance, but there I accepted, I surrendered. So it’s a victory.”
- Daphné Sarpyener, Rage Club Clarity Lab participant

Rage Clubs Clarity Laboratories are spaces for self-exploration through the 4 conscious feelings: anger, fear, sadness and joy. We start with anger as the main axis of exploration, because it acts like a volcano that awakens the others. Anything goes, except hurting yourself or someone else, and getting arrested by the police.

It’s a space without reproaches, without judgments, rather Distinctions that bring the serenity necessary for transformation. A space you can occupy fully, with what you are, not with what you pretend or want to be. What’s your “x” on the map? This is how the search begins.

“I can’t use my anger to say what I want”, “I always want to please others”, “I find it hard to say ‘no’”, “I lose power when I want to talk to my boss”…

These are common programs in many people’s daily lives, but who dares to tackle them? Who dares to deprogram them?

This is the kind of work Rage Club’s Clarity Lab is designed for. Looking clearly into the eyes of the question.
It can be anything, it doesn’t have to make sense. The Emotional Body has its own mysterious reasons that reveal themselves, like the thread of a spool that unwinds when we put it to work and wish to have a close, intimate relationship with it.

Once released, the Emotional Body is more alert, reactive, serene and available, without the ‘mental load’ (actually emotional load we should say) that was active until then. A new reality can be born.

There’s no better way to understand what a new culture is than to experience it for yourself and with others. That’s why these spaces, linked to the emotional body and other energetic perceptions, reveal other possibilities.

“It was quite intense and challenging for me. I found the Laboratory overall very balanced between spaces of movement and others less so. I liked the fact that we listened to what was alive and present at every moment, for me it was very fluid. Leaving time for what was to come was great, for example with Daphné. It was nice to have a big break at mid-day. I felt safe and fluid with you.
I felt that the fears I had when I arrived this morning were much less active once I was there.”

- Ludivine, Rage Club’s Clarity Lab participant.

The message of a Clarity Lab is: what do we need to do to really experience change instead of just pretending to?

credit picture Matthew Kerslake de Unsplash.

As part of the creation of Art’chiarchy Bridge-House in France, from September 12 to October 8, 2023, 5 people, including Possibilitators in the making, came from the 4 corners of the world to put their anger to good use and dive into a Laboratory dedicated to feelings: the Laboratory of Clarity. Its name was born of a later conversation. It grew out of the profound question “What is the Rage Club?”, a practice initiated with Possibility Management, a global network of people busy creating a New Culture, based on a Thinking System that facilitates access to genuine, unfeigned authenticity. These take place online and in-person, and provide pathways to impeccable relational clarity, with the aim of living a regenerative culture for Planet Earth, Archiarchy. Rage Club comes from the film Fight Club, where the protagonists are willing to do anything to change their behavior first, and then the world. After visiting several markets in Bagnières de Bigorre (Hautes Pyrénées, France) and carrying out processes in the Maison Passerelle Art’chiarchie, we realized that what we were looking for here, on French territory, was Clarity. The Laboratoires de Clarté were born, spaces for conscious feelings and initiation into a new culture to come and live in.



Gabriel Lechemin

Transformative Coach for a Regenerative Culture, Archan Permaculturist and Artist.