Golden Milk (Leche Dorada)

Eva Gabriela Zamudio
3 min readJun 9, 2020


Photo by @Georgette_Esberd

My favorite time to incorporate turmeric milk into my days is when I am feeling a bit down or getting sick . I’ll put take it with me to start my work productivity ritual or in the afternoons putting on some relaxing music, cozy slippers, and simmer a pot of this on the stove.

Golden Milk is a simple form to blend hot milk with turmeric and make healing, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and health-promoting drink. It’s a traditional Indian drink that has its roots in Ayurveda known as haldi doodh with great health properties largely thanks to curcumin found in turmeric but also both ginger and cinnamon are known for their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial benefits.

Also, the coconut oil adds a touch of healthy fat and makes the turmeric more available for our bodies to absorb because it is fat-soluble. And by some people even say that, black pepper also makes the curcumin in turmeric more bioavailable, so it’s an important addition as well.

How to make golden milk?


  • 4 cups of almond milk or 2 cups of light coconut milk + 2 cups of unsweetened almond or oat milk
  • 1 tablespoon of grated fresh turmeric or 1 1/2tbs ground turmeric
  • 1–2 tablespoon of grated fresh ginger
  • 1 whole cinnamon stick (or 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon // I prefer the stick!)
  • 1 tablespoon of raw honey
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil
  • 1 pinch ground black pepper


  • In a small saucepan, add coconut oil, turmeric, ginger and pepper let toast it for a bit.
  • Add the milk, honey, coconut oil, and cinnamon in a pan. Stir in medium heat for approx 2 minutes and then turn the heat to low and leave it for another 5–7 min or until the golden color has formed (until steaming hot but not boiling).
  • Turn off heat and taste to adjust flavor. Add more sweetener to taste or more turmeric or ginger for intense spice + flavor.
  • Serve leaving the cinnamon stick behind. Garnish with a sprinkle of cinnamon, if desired.

* Leftovers can be stored covered in the refrigerator for 2–3 days. Reheat on the stovetop or microwave until hot.

Subtle variations:

  • Most traditional recipes will use whole cow’s milk, but you can substitute with almond milk since it’s a little tastier, easier to froth, and a better option for those suffering from digestive issues or intolerances to dairy.
  • Using a mix of light (canned) coconut milk and unsweetened almond or oat milk creates the perfect creamy base.
  • The longer you simmer this over low-medium heat, the stronger and more intense the flavor is. Even if you’re on the go and want to enjoy turmeric milk, you can still reap the benefits by just adding about 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric, a dash of cinnamon, and sea salt into some almond milk, shake it up and go.
  • Another option is to use a combo of oat/almond milk, honey, anise, clove, turmeric, and fresh ginger. Almost a chai/golden milk.
Photo by Gergette_Esberd

I hope you enjoy this recipe. Anything anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich is a win in my book. In fact, it’s been known as a “healing spice” and used to help anything from sore throats, colds, the flu, and stomachaches to wound healing and treatment of abrasions and skin issues (due to it’s antibacterial and antimicrobial properties). Traditionally, turmeric milk comes from Ayurvedic practices and medicine in Indian cultures and is nothing new to other Eastern cultures.

Hoping this helps to give you a great imnune system and health boost 💪!

Virtual Hugs,


Originally published at evagabrielita.



Eva Gabriela Zamudio

Creator, New Mama, Software Engineer 👩‍💻, entrepreneur, community builder & advocate for women’s empowerment 💪🏽 🙋‍♀️