The Apple Watch Cellular is an untimely gadget at the right time

Gabriel Yoran
3 min readSep 15, 2017
The Athenaeum, a historic library in Providence, Rhode Island. A good place to be without your iPhone — if you manage (Photo: Gabriel Yoran)

This week Apple announced two new versions of the Apple Watch that nearly look identical. But while one is just a modest improvement of its predecessor, the other is different in a way that cannot be overestimated.

Since April 2015, I have been a daily user of the very first Apple Watch model (“Series 0”). And while the watch loses a lot of its capabilities without having an iPhone nearby, I didn’t really bother since I have my iPhone on me all the time. Like a lot of people I have a hard time being separated from my smartphone. Hell, I have a hard time even remembering pre-smartphone life! I get nervous when I don’t have my iPhone with me. I have an addiction I share with millions of people. But Apple, intentionally or not, has just released the Apple Watch Cellular, the methadone for the likes of us. In 2015, Johannah King-Slutzky already called the original Apple Watch “methadone to the iPhone’s meth,” but I think the Apple Watch Cellular is what really brings this dark metaphor to life.

Apple, intentionally or not, has released the methadone to the smartphone addiction it helped starting

The Apple Watch Cellular works perfectly well without an iPhone nearby. You will still need one to set up and configure the…

