The differences between .NET Framework, .NET Core and .NET 6+

Gabriel Cruz
3 min readOct 10, 2023

As the .NET ecosystem continues to evolve, it’s natural for questions to arise about the different versions and variants available. Whether you’re a C# developer or considering entering the world of C# programming, it’s important to grasp the key distinctions between .NET Framework, .NET Core, and .NET 6 . In this article, we will explore these three iterations of .NET, their purposes, and how they compare.

.NET Framework: The Classic Foundation

The .NET Framework is the oldest version and, for many years, was the default choice for Windows application developers. Here are some key features:

  • Windows-Exclusive: .NET Framework is limited to the Windows operating system, meaning you can’t use it to develop cross-platform applications.
  • Desktop Applications: It was widely used for developing desktop applications using technologies like Windows Forms and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).
  • Full Libraries: It has an extensive library of classes and features but is not modular, which means you need to include unnecessary components in your project.

.NET Core: The Multiplatform Platform Revolution

.NET Core was a game-changer for Microsoft, introducing the ability to develop cross-platform applications. Here are some of its features:

  • Cross-Platform: .NET Core is compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS, allowing you to develop applications that run on various platforms.
  • Open Source: It is an open-source project that encourages the community to contribute to its development and improvements.
  • Modular Modules: It has a modular architecture that enables you to include only the necessary libraries in your project, reducing distribution size.
  • Focus on Microservices and Cloud: It’s a popular choice for microservices-based applications and cloud solutions.

.NET 6: Convergence and the Future

.NET 6 is the next step in the evolution of .NET, bringing along some significant changes:

  • Convergence: .NET 6 marks the convergence of .NET Framework and .NET Core into a single unified platform.
  • Cross-Platform: It continues to support multiple platforms while maintaining a commitment to building cross-platform applications.
  • Improved Performance: It promises significant performance improvements compared to previous .NET versions.
  • Long-Term Support (LTS): .NET 6 is an LTS version, meaning it will receive long-term support and security updates.

So… Which of them should I use?

.NET Framework is ideal for legacy and Windows-based desktop applications, while .NET Core and .NET 6 are well-suited for cross-platform development, is always good to use the version that is LTS (Long-Terrm Support)

