Gabriele Chiaranz
3 min readJan 18, 2018


In this particular moment in time blockchain is undoubtedly the most exciting topic that investors, entrepreneurs and thinkers alike are discussing about. Being able to do so while sailing on a crypto-cruise across Singapore, Penang and Phuket together with the brightest game-changers, pioneers and thought-leaders of this space is something completely unique that couldn’t be missed.

SimplyVital Health decided to embark on this fantastic journey in order to have a productive confrontation with other companies that are adopting blockchain technology to disrupt highly centralized industries, share ideas on what the future might hold, and spread the word about SimplyVital Health and its core product — Health Nexus. The overall agenda of the conference is in line with hectic, frenetic rhythms that every startup needs to adapt to when launching a successful Token Sale campaign: wake up early, quick energizing breakfast and then straight to attend a full list of panels and interventions provided by a highly curated number of speakers including John McAfee, Ted Moskovitz, Travis Wright, Jack Tatar, Tone Vays, Jake Brukhman. It all comes with non-stop networking activities while enjoying Asian specialties (the notorious durian being one of them), or while challenging each other on token economics in front of fresh cocktails. You get the scene: the charm of a cruise paired with disruptive, avant-garde talks with some of the most brilliant international people we feel we’ve ever met!

Overall, it’s been a real success (and lots of fun, too), and despite having received extremely positive feedback and validation from healthtech experts and newly acquired company backers whilst on the cruise, we feel that the healthcare system applied to blockchain is biased by common misconceptions and pushbacks. We outline here below a few examples that we hope can clarify what we do and what our key differentiation points are:

“Health Nexus uses HIPAA compliant validators, but how does this match with international compliance?”: HIPAA is one of the highest healthcare security standards recognized globally. Therefore, we are proud that Health Nexus is the only permissioned blockchain with a globally recognized healthcare standard for security, making it safely adoptable by healthcare.

“So, Health Nexus allows for healthcare data storage on the blockchain?”: Not quite: rather, the Health Nexus blockchain has a key-pair system which governs access to data at the protocol level. All data related to patients remains stored in providers’ existing data base; this is because often, a strong contention in healthcare is the very action of releasing data for storage in another silo. No more excuses for not sharing data!

“Doctors are human and can make mistakes. Doesn’t blockchain make things permanent, and how does ConnectingCare affect this?”: First, while the original contents of a blockchain hash cannot be changed, the content can be changed, and a new hash created. This creates a nice audit trail of changes and updates. Second, SimplyVital Health’s ConnectingCare thrives within the global value based care market of the healthcare system, which is estimated to be worth 300B USD by 2021 just in the US alone. Such a system works as an incentive for all healthcare providers to coordinate for shared patients’ outcomes. Providers are in fact reimbursed for outcomes and not for the amount of services provided; thus, it’s in the healthcare providers’ best interest to sync and review the accuracy of data and clinical procedures with their colleagues, despite working for different clinical entities.

We will soon be approaching our last port where this adventure will end, but we’ll be around in 3 continents in parallel in the following weeks to make sure we give the right visibility to our noble project and that we provide transparency and answers to our stakeholders. Reach out if you are around! Follow up meetings in Singapore/Asia (through Jan 21); Kat speaks in Davos, Switzerland during the World Economic Forum (Jan 22–27); Kat speaks in Amsterdam (Jan 29–30); NYC/Connecticut, United Sates (early February) before we head out again.

Stay tuned on our Telegram channel ( for more info on our international road show and new exciting developments on our upcoming token sale.



Gabriele Chiaranz

Startup operator, angel investor in consumer companies, and VC funds