Interesting Lessons

Gabriella Dencklau
2 min readFeb 2, 2023


I have grown and learned a lot from this year in Journalism.

The most interesting thing I have learned in class this year is how to write an appealing How-To Article. Before I joined Journalism, I would love to read How-To Articles online or advice columns because I love growing as a person and I love picking up new hobbies and/or interests.

Stay organized wirh your studies. Photo by Windows on Unsplash

My favorite How-To Article I have written this year would be my article on How To Study More Effectively. I learned a lot while writing this article. From my research, not every study method is effective for each individual: You have to find what works best for you and the way you retain information.

The reason why I loved writing this How-To Column was because I love studying and making my study habits not only effective but aesthetic. I had five tips and pieces of advice in the column that can be helpful to anyone wanting to study better and accomplish their study goals. Writing this article, I also learned what study method works for me and how to properly organize by schedule. Organization is key when it comes to all your assignments and notes.

The same thing goes with assignments in class. Journalism this year has taught me to be organized and make use of my time in class. Whether that’s working on the article, or catching up on assignments, taking advantage of the time in class is very beneficial. Instead of procrastinating all day in your classes at home. it’s important to focus and use all the time you have in class so you can have free-time at home.

Another article that I learned from was my “How-To” on new years resolutions, specifically reading goals. Throughout the past thee years, I have been trying to find what works best for me and my reading. Writing this article, I realized that I have finally found a good routine and good methods that make reading fun for me, and help me achieve my yearly reading goals. Making goals are very important in life, but knowing your limit will make achieving those goals realistic.

Books are magic. Photo by Tom Hermans on Unsplash

This year in Journalism has inspired me to focus more on the things I enjoy and do it in ways that work the best for me.

Gabriella Dencklau is a Junior at YVHS who loves to read.

