4 min readMar 26, 2022


As humans our minds are considered as one of the most powerful tools within us, it differentiates us every other creature and is capable of shaping our reality. With proper knowledge of the potentials of our minds there is no limit to what we can achieve or accomplish.

Man’s reality can be said to be the product of his thoughts and actions and our actions are products of our thoughts at each point in time, therefore, it is of importance that we have complete control and take full responsibility of our thoughts if we desire to be great, as they play a very important role in our reality.
A man’s mind can be likened unto a fertile soil while his thoughts are seeds, every thought a man conceives in his mind has the potential to grow and cause an effect in his reality.

Positive thoughts yields positive results in our reality while negative thoughts yields negative results in our reality, it is absolutely impossible to continuously conceive negative thoughts and expect our reality to be filled with positivity.

By changing our thoughts there is no limit to what we can achieve; You can get rid of any unacceptable habits/attitudes which have dominated your live in previous times, you can live the kind of life you’ve always dreamt of living, you can be the person you’ve always aspired to be. it was once said by Norman Vincent Peale "change your thoughts and change your world".

I have tried changing my thought pattern and mindset but my reality have not taken a new turn why❓

I have heard so many people asked this question, I once asked this question.

if by changing our thoughts there is a 100% chance that our reality will take a new turn then why are there so many people who claims their thoughts are positive whereas their life is filled with absolute negativity (the opposite of their thoughts). The answer to that question will take us further to a whole new learning process, but at first let me give this illustration to aid a better understanding of the concept. Previously I described our thoughts to be like seeds while our mind is a fertile soil without doubt planting a seed wrongly or not providing the planted seed with the proper nutrients (e.g water) it requires for growth can hinder the growth of such seed this is exactly how it works.

I will outline two factors which can hinder our reality from positivity despite the positivity of our mindset, these are

  1. Wrong method of planting the positive seed (thought) in our mind.

2. Not giving the positive seed(thought) the right nutrients to aid it’s growth.

Indeed there are step by step processes which when practiced will enlighten us on how think positively and see the effect of positivity on our reality. I’ll be unable to discuss these methods here as it will make this article too lengthy, rather I will recommend anyone who is interested to know the secret behind changing your world by changing your everyday thought to get this powerful e-book;


read through it diligently and practice the steps outlined in it, I rest assure you that you will be able to attain the height you desire in life.

The Great Escape (by Edward Jones) contains all the secrets which have been used by myself and countless others to get rid of devastating attitudes, acquire wealth, and live the kind of life we’ve always aspired to live. It worked for me and many others I believe it will also work for you I was once very helpless, depressed and stalked with devastating attitudes until I learned how to change all of these negativities by simply switching my thought pattern and now my life is filled with positivity, I decided to enlighten others about this because by doing this I am also fulfilling a part of my dream.

Click Here to get The Great Escape for ($39.77)

If you’re unsatisfied with the content of the book after purchasing it there is a refund policy before 30 days of usage without questioning.

If you are unable to afford this then I recommend you to get the

Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale for free
Click Here and you’ll be redirected to get this e-book simply click download and it is yours, this is also a very good book.

However, I highly recommend the great escape (the power of positive thinking) as it has helped increased my knowledge and made me discovered techniques to generate wealth and live happily just by simply restructuring my thought pattern.

In conclusion it is my dream to help as many people as possible being able to achieve their dreams just as I did, so I encourage anyone viewing this to grab this lifetime opportunity by getting The Great Escape by Edward Jones.




I write about the mind and it's infinite capabilities, proffering solutions to interested readers who intend to transform their life by changing their thoughts