Classes — What we know from Java

A short foreword to classes with instructions on how to read the contents

Gabriel Shanahan
The Kotlin Primer


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This article is part of the Kotlin Primer, an opinionated guide to the Kotlin language, which is indented to help facilitate Kotlin adoption inside Java-centric organizations. It was originally written as an organizational learning resource for Etnetera a.s. and I would like to express my sincere gratitude for their support.

It is recommended to read the Introduction before moving on. Check out the Table of Contents for all articles.

The fundamentals of classes, to which the following chapters pertain, are a topic with only a couple of larger differences between Java and Kotlin. Most of the differences are syntactical, allowing for terser code to be written. Unfortunately, even though the changes are small, we still need to go through the whole subject to cover them all. Since classes are a very broad subject indeed, this in turn means that there will be a lot of text to work through.

