The Beginner’s Guide to Responsible Travel


Photo by Rana Sawalha on Unsplash

You’ve picked your dream destination and booked the perfect hotel. You’ve researched the hottest bars and restaurants, made a mental map of all the most instagrammable spots.

What about the host community and the impact you will — or will not — have? Have you done your homework on their customs and traditions? Tipping and haggling culture? Cuisine? Current socio-political situation and religion? Have you packed accordingly? Chances are you’ll only go there once in a lifetime, so make your trip a mutually beneficial one.

Master the art of mindful travel with these practical tips:

Eat, sleep and tour with LOCAL businesses

In some destinations, like the Caribbean, tourism hugely boosts local GDP and can be a major employer throughout a region. But did you know only about 20c out of every tourist dollar stays in the local economy in the Caribbean, while the other 80c ‘leaks out’? In other popular destinations, the numbers can be even more appalling.

Make your trip a mutually beneficial one.

Try to arrange your travel via a travel agent well versed in the sustainable travel niche. If booking your accommodations yourself using an OTA like Expedia or, or even searching on Google Maps, keep an eye out for boutique, independently owned hotels.

When booking your travel accommodation, keep an eye out for boutique, independently owned hotels. Photo by Heart Core Hotels.

That way you avoid tourism leakage and ensure 100% of your nightly rate goes into the hands of a local small business owner rather than a massive international hotel chain. The latter will be fine without you. Steer clear of Airbnbs whose opportunistic hosts buy out swathes of local apartments that would otherwise be available as housing for ordinary local residents.

If you do book an all-inclusive hotel or a large resort, I highly encourage you to leave the grounds and explore the area. Not only will you grow your understanding of the local culture, but I guarantee you’ll have a feast, too! Some of the best local culinary delights any place has to offer are to be found outside of hotel kitchens and foreign chain restaurants.

Ensure 100% of your nightly rate goes into the hands of a local small business owner rather than a massive international hotel chain. The latter will be fine without you.

Oftentimes, those mom’n’pop businesses depend on your tourism money for their livelihood, while still catering to the local patrons, which translates to quality. In other words, by dining with them, you get to support the community AND spoil your tastebuds. Win win.

Mom’n’pop businesses often depend on your tourism money for their livelihood while also serving up some of the best food in the area. Win win. Photo by Gaby Aziz.

Book tours, tickets and activities through local companies employing local guides — ideally directly. If booking through your hotel concierge ensure they have a fair deal.

In urban destinations- if you haven’t yet — discover free walking tours. They often range from a general overview of the main attractions to themed walks on anything from Harry Potter and haunted houses to street art and food tours.

Leaving your holiday money with local businesses means helping them create a better life for themselves and a more authentic experience for yourself.

Just don’t try to sneak out at the end of the tour — tip your guide. They are typically students who treat it as a part time income booster, and most of them are truly knowledgeable and enthusiastic guides.

Free walking tours are a chance to see a place through the eyes of a truly knowledgeable and enthusiastic guide. Photo by Pixabay.

Leaving some of your holiday money with local businesses, entrepreneurs and guides means helping them create a better life for themselves and a more authentic and responsible travel experience for yourself.

Learn some language

A few basic phrases, even just a simple ‘thank you’ and ‘hello’ will go a very long way. Not just to demonstrate you respect the local language and culture.

It will also make you more confident and comfortable in everyday situations like taxi rides and ordering in restaurants. With Google Translate and countless new language apps popping up weekly, there are really no excuses.

Embrace the fact that you’ll probably sound completely ridiculous several times a day. Your efforts WILL be appreciated.

A few basic local phrases, even just a simple ‘thank you’ and ‘hello’ will go a very long way. Photo by Unsplash.

When stuck for words, don’t forget the international language of kindness and friendship — smile.

Be a thoughtful photographer

Not all destinations were created equal, sometimes landscape and nature shots just don’t reflect the character of the place. To truly capture its essence often means to shoot people and their daily lives. How to go about it in a friendly and ethical way?

Respect people’s privacy, they are not a part of the landscape. Always ask before taking a photo. Just think of a reverse situation- someone taking a photo of you without asking permission. Wouldn’t you feel uncomfortable, if not violated? Don’t be sneaky, nobody likes paparazzi.

It is always a welcome gesture to show your ‘model’ the image you captured. You’ll be surprised by how much excitement it generates.

As an added bonus of asking someone’s permission, you’ll get an excuse to have a conversation or at least to connect using body language, which can lead to some truly enriching encounters.

Respect people’s privacy, they are not a part of the landscape. Always ask before taking a photo. Photo by Gaby Aziz.

Pro tip: in my experience as a street photographer, it is always a welcome gesture to show your ‘model’ the image you captured. You’ll be surprised by how much excitement it can generate. If you want to be extra nice, offer to send them a copy of the photo!

Most importantly — do not take photos of people in delicate, embarrassing or vulnerable situations, and be extra sensitive when photographing children.

Respect people’s privacy, they are not a part of the landscape.

Remember that there are parts of the world, e.g. some indigenous Amazonian tribes or the Aboriginal communities in Australia, where it is genuinely believed that a camera captures the soul (which occasionally revolves around the belief in the power of mirrors to steal souls).

Do a bit of research before you travel and try to understand local folklore and attitudes towards photography. Be aware of when you could offend or even scare someone whose religion or culture opposes its practice.

Inquire whether photography is allowed in museums, galleries and places of interest you plan on visiting. While a lot of them are not only OK with you taking photos but even encourage you to share them on social media, some tourist landmarks are more conservative than others so it’s always a good idea to double check.

Inquire whether photography is allowed in museums and galleries you’re planning on visiting. Photo by Gaby Aziz.

It’s usually not allowed to use flash or tripod. Temporary exhibition rooms tend to have separate rules, as do photography and filming for research or any purpose other than personal use.

More and more museums these days require an extra fee if you wish to use anything other than your smartphone. That includes DSLR cameras, usually even the simple ones. Don’t feel bad about it, your money supports the museum.

Selfie sticks, oh selfie sticks… The New York’s MoMA, Rome Colosseum, and the French Palace of Versailles have all long banned the ‘narcissticks’ to prevent damage to the artwork and artifacts. Other museums and monuments have followed suit.

A new survey found that 41 percent of us have risked our safety in pursuit of a selfie. by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Selfie sticks aside, did you know we have reached a point when there are more deaths by taking selfies (with or without sticks) than by shark attacks? A new survey found that 41 percent of us have already risked our safety in pursuit of a selfie.

Crazy stats, right? In all photo situations, let your common sense guide you. And don’t try to be this girl

Shop wisely

Skip the made-in-China fridge magnets and head to local artisanal shops for some true souvenir gems. Not only will they often be hand made and therefore more unique, but you’ll boost the local economy. Not to mention supporting AND promoting local arts and crafts by taking them abroad for everyone to see.

Piece by piece we’re taking home our coral reefs.

Don’t forget artisanal local foods and unusual candy make great gifts back home, as will hand made natural beauty products (soap bars are best if you travel with carry on luggage only). Head to the local market for inspiration.

Many communities hold a weekly crafts market, ask your hotel host or concierge when and where to find it. Why not stock up on unusual teas, herbs and spices, as well as locally grown coffee from small family run plantations if available? Artwork and home decor?

Piece by piece we’re taking home our coral reefs. Photo by Gaby Aziz.

My personal favorite — kitchen essentials like unique hand made salad bowls, espresso cups, serving spoons etc. (Pro tip: most shops ship internationally, often at no extra charge.) Essentially, anything that supports and advances local craftsmen, farmers, artists etc is a good bet. Be creative!

Steer clear of wildlife trade and souvenirs made from endangered species. It’s not just ivory jewelry and crocodile skin boots we’re talking about. Same goes for volcanic rock (hello Pele’s Curse), any other rocks, sand, plants, seeds and flowers.

Seemingly innocent and oh-so-tempting seashells or chunks of coral are not only illegal in many countries and can get you into customs trouble, but piece by piece we’re taking home our coral reefs.

Minimize your footprint

Thinking of renting an SUV at the destination? Why not consider exploring by locally available public transport and spend your money on mojitos instead of gas? Less pollution, more local jobs sustained, more fun.

Toronto’s streetcar or Lisbon’s yellow tram will not only get you from A to B, they also typically traverse the most tourist-frequented routes, meaning you can save on the double-decker city sightseeing bus — if that’s your thing.

Lisbon’s yellow tram conveniently traverses the most tourist-frequented routes. Photo by Robenson Gassant on Unsplash

Speaking of double decker buses, the 15 in London is the only route served by the iconic Route­master ‘hop on, hop off’ buses. That’s responsible travel AND one of the world’s coolest bus rides, combined.

That said, as a photography and food geek, my personal favorite way to discover a new neighborhood is on foot. Not only will you sneak some exercise into your vacation routine, you’ll also increase great photo taking opportunities and spot the cutest local cafes and restaurants you wouldn’t otherwise come across. There’s a reason the best food tours happen to be walking tours!

There’s also an array of bicycle rentals in most tourist destinations. That’s just such an awesome way to move around I wrote a whole separate post about it. Find out what are some of the most unique destinations for bicycle lovers.

Biking is one of the most sustainable ways to move around and explore a new city. Photo by Tobias Cornille on Unsplash

For longer distances try buses and trains, it’s often a great experience and a memorable adventure in itself. Especially for solo travelers — where are my Before Sunrise fans at…?

Keep the change

As difficult as it will be to resist giving change to a street beggar, don’t do it. Best case scenario, you’ll feel like a savior but it will be a very short term solution— not a sustainable way to solve problems. There is no guarantee that the person who receives the money will spend it in ways that increase the quality of their life.

The unfortunate reality is that they are either kids being taken out of school by their parents to beg on the streets, or a part of an organized group. Most likely you’re not supporting whom you hope you are.

Keep your change. By giving money to street beggars you might be supporting organized crime. Photo by Egor Myznik on Unsplash

If you want to really contribute to a lasting change where you are, donate to a local homeless shelter, an NGO active in the area, or even a local school or clinic. Much better use for your money almost always guaranteed.

Discussion, advocacy and spreading awareness about local issues helps just as much as donations, if not more.

If you don’t get a chance or choose not to support those organizations financially, you can spread the word about them to your friends and family back home. Discussion, advocacy and spreading awareness about local issues and causes helps just as much as donations, if not more.

By all means, be generous with local street performers and buskers. Often it’s their main source of income and they put in a good effort to prepare an entertaining performance. Reward the mimes and still figures too, especially if you take a photo.

You can also make your travels meaningful by simply using a small amount of space in your luggage to pack supplies needed by community projects around the world, a fantastic initiative facilitated by Pack for a Purpose.

Another game-changing tool is Kiva which connects you with global micro finance institutions. You can donate loans for as little as $25, which is then administered to people and communities without access to banks. All money donated goes straight to funding loans, as Kiva does not take a percentage. Since you can pick a specific location, why not browse Kiva for projects active in the region you’re visiting.

Dress to impress

Perhaps riding a camel in Cairo is not the best moment to show your rebellion against patriarchy. (See below for why you shouldn’t ride a camel in the first place.) Neither is a revealing crop top very welcome in most churches, temples and other sacred sites. Don’t end up in line to the Vatican or the Grand Mosque twice during your trip due to your outfit being deemed indecent.

Just because we have the right to do something doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do.

Some places, like the Monasteries of Meteora in Greece, will provide visitors with temporary covers (think potato-sacks-like cloaks), but judge for yourself whether those would add excitement or misery to your visit. So be proactive and dress appropriately.

Meteora Monasteries — one of many tourist sites with a strict dress code. Photo by Sorin Cicos on Unsplash

Therefore, it’s a good idea to always travel with a thin large shawl or scarf. Throw it in your bag and you’ll have it handy for any time you need to cover your shoulders, head or wrap it around your hips like a makeshift maxi skirt. Rule of thumb — when in doubt cover up.

Rethink your wildlife bucket list

Riding elephants, petting tigers and swimming with dolphins is all very thrilling. But is it as much of a thrill for the animals, or are you contributing to a life in captivity and distress?

Unfortunately most of the animal entertainment activities operators put profits ahead of the well-being of the wildlife. Animal circus is SO last millennium, and I really find it hard to understand how the likes of Sea World are any different…?

Sea World is so last millennium. Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

If you absolutely cannot imagine your trip to Thailand without hanging out with some elephants, make sure you do that through a responsibly operated sanctuary. Elephants are wild animals and a sanctuary ought to have a very good reason to exist, and domesticate them. Here is how to go about ethical elephant tourism.

Same goes for tiger safaris in India, the Big Five spotting in South Africa, swimming with turtles in Hawaii and all other global activities involving wildlife. If done the right way, they can do a lot of good such as help fight illegal poaching. If not, it can even endanger an entire species and habitats.

Related: A Tale of a Whale — Is Whale Watching Doing More Harm Than Good? and Turtles vs Tourists — How Mass Tourism Affects Ostional Wildlife Reserve

Elephants are wild animals and a sanctuary needs to have a very good reason to exist, and domesticate them. Photo by Trinity Treft on Unsplash

Ask questions before you book. Where do the animals come from? What are their living conditions? What future do they face? How is the company helping protect them and the native ecosystem? Is there a limit to the daily number of tourists?

If they hesitate to answer it should raise your doubts about their transparency and therefore their practices. Responsible tours actively support the local community and ecosystem by funding anti poaching patrols, advocacy and by providing employment to local people.

There are even stories of ex-poachers-turned-tour-guides thanks to our tourism dollars. So spend consciously.

Mahalo for doing your part to preserve the fragile Hawai’i Island environment and protect our turtles. Photo by Gaby Aziz.

Go plastic- and paper-less

It may be hard to resist a good old school paper book travel guide or a beautiful journal, but at the very least try to skip printed boarding passes and hotel booking confirmations.

Download your maps so you can easily access them offline, either using one of many excellent travel apps, save it in iBooks or even simply keep a PDF file. Store all your beach reads on a Kindle, and your shorter reads in Pocket.

For those of us who prefer paper backs (in the era of growing digital minimalism trend, I can definitely see the appeal), find out if your hotel or local coffee shop has a spot for book exchange. You might find a great new read and/or free up some space in your luggage for all the souvenir shopping.

Download your maps so you can easily access them offline while traveling without reliable WiFi. Photo by Unsplash.

You’ve heard the average time for a plastic bottle to degrade is around 500 years, right? Just think of all these bottles from your week’s stay in Bali still sitting in their landfills in 2523…

Find out what’s the situation with drinking water where you’re going. You’d be surprised by how many countries offer perfectly safe to drink tap water. Many hotels also provide filtered water.

At the Hawaii location of Heart Core Hotels, Volcano Eco Retreat, we harvest pure Hawaiian rainwater and put it through an in-house triple UV and charcoal filtration system. All you need to do is bring a reusable water bottle from home and keep refilling, knowing that you’re doing your part to help protect the fragile Hawai’i Island environment.

At Volcano Eco Retreat we keep you hydrated with unlimited pure Hawaiian water, triple filtered on site. Photo by Gaby Aziz.

Pro tip: most reusable bottles are airport TSA friendly and will save you tonnes of money on overpriced bottled water at the terminal, too, as most airports these days offer drinking water fountains.

While we’re at it, skip the single use coffee cups, too. Why not travel with one of these instead? Reusing is better than recycling!

Reduce your waste

Aside from bringing your own reusable water bottle and filling it up with safe tap or boiled water, try to limit the waste by getting into the habit of using refillable travel size bottles and jars for your toiletries, buying products with minimal packaging, and recycling the unavoidable packages whenever possible.

Waste management is still a major issue for many developing countries. Say no to plastic bags. Photo by Khamkéo Vilaysing on Unsplash

Try to carry a foldable reusable bag with you and say no when offered a single use plastic bag with any purchase; they really take very little space in your purse or backpack. Waste management is still a major issue for many developing countries so it’s extremely important that we all do our bit.

Diligent waste disposal in national parks and reserves is particularly important due to its accessibility by wild animals. Human food scraps can result in malnourishment or starvation due to inappropriate diet and disruption of natural hunting or food-gathering behaviors. Obey the ‘do not feed the ducks/pigeons/coyotes…’ signs as well, they are there for a good reason.

Human food scraps can result in malnourishment of local wildlife. Dispose of your waste diligently. Photo by Gaby Aziz.

Monitor your water usage — are you staying at a hotel with a golf course, three swimming pools, and 400 guests taking two showers a day in a country that has drought issues?

While tourism, on the whole, constitutes a relatively low 1% of global water consumption, you should still aim to use this precious resource sparingly and be mindful of the water scarcity in the region you’re visiting.

Cancun in Mexico is an example of the local community with no adequate water supply while the nearby resorts keep watering lawns, golf courses, and meeting every tourist’s needs.

Consider CBT

No, it’s not a new edible. Even though it seems to be the most ancient way of traveling, few modern day travelers are familiar with the concept of Community Based Tourism. About time this changed as it brings enormous benefits to both the host and the visitor.

These projects offer services such as accommodation, traditional gastronomy, eco-tourism, and culture. The community boosts their income and gets to directly participate in the conservation of local culture and natural resources.

Travelers are in for a genuine experience — an immersion in local traditions, involvement in cultural activities and an opportunity to see unspoiled eco-systems where mass tourism is as of yet unheard of.

For volunteering travel projects I personally tried and highly recommend All Hands And Hearts. Photo by Gaby Aziz.

If you demonstrate a hands-on attitude, in some communities you might even get the opportunity to help out on various development projects they have going on, especially if you’re planning a slightly longer stay. (For travel volunteering projects in their own right I personally tried and highly recommend All Hands And Hearts.)

The number of CBT projects is growing steadily and is well established in Central and South America (Colombia and Costa Rica amongst others), Central Asia (e.g. Kyrgyzstan), as well as some parts of Africa like Ghana and Uganda.

Spread the love

Responsible travel doesn’t end on your return. Start the conversation about it with people back home — friends, family, your social media followers. Nobody means to cause intentional harm. Some aspects may be more obvious to you as a seasoned traveler than they are to others.

(My mom and I just recently managed to put behind us the pre-pandemic grievance caused by her turning her back to a Buddha statue in Sri Lanka and offending an entire village… Compassion is key.)

It is acceptable to take pictures of the Buddha, but make sure you FACE the statue. Photo by Manuel Cosentino on Unsplash

You wouldn’t immediately think buying starfish is not OK, since it’s on the display of every souvenir shop, would you? It is only through advocacy and education that we can help spread the word about sustainable and responsible tourism.

We can and DO have a very big impact on the world while we travel. Let’s make sure it’s a positive one.

Leave constructive and thoughtful reviews for your hotel, tour operators, restaurants you loved — or didn’t. Even airlines. You can also email them directly with any comments you may have. Don’t underestimate the power of feedback!

And finally, my mindful travel rule of thumb is that just because we have the right to do something doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do. We can and DO have a very big impact on the world while we travel. Let’s make sure it’s a positive one.

Gaby Aziz is an impact entrepreneur, conscious traveler, sustainable tourism advocate, photographer, food travel blogger, unique hotel hunter and cofounder of Heart Core Hotels — boutique eco hotels for those who care.

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Gaby Aziz | Cofounder of Heart Core Hotels

Intersection of impact entrepreneurship, mindful travel, conscious food & sustainability. Cornell Sustainable Tourism Destination Management