2 Younger Me

4 min readApr 5, 2018

*while Self Control-Frank Ocean played in the background*

They do love you, they just don’t know how to show it

Maybe that’s why you have such a weird way of expressing your feelings to the people you love the most, cause you always had to guess what your parents were feeling or weren’t feeling.

Maybe that’s why you always doubt or second guess yourself and others, cause all you did was observe them and try and figure out your feelings too, you were never sure how they felt was how they felt

Maybe that’s why you get scared, anxious, or doubtful when you feel a change in your connection with some, or you get more insecure about little things cause you don’t want to mess up the only real connections you’ve ever had.

Maybe that’s why all of you are so detached from each other, show more to our friends than we do to each other. Never have you ever said more “I love you”’s, if any at all, until you met your friends and him.

Maybe that’s why you’re always second guessing why he’s with you, if he loves you, if he wants someone else..but try to get that out of your head. If he wanted someone else then he would be with them. Love someone! and Let them love you back.

If you’re going to let someone make you happy, be prepared to let them make you equally sad too. If you’re going to trust them to treat you right, then you’re going to have to understand it’s going to hurt so bad when they don’t. You’ll be okay and you’ll get over it. If you feel it’s worth a second chance, then give it.

We’re going to move a lot..

Maybe that’s why you’re not really used to opening up to people, you never really had the chance to before cause 1) you didn’t really know how to and 2) you moved so much, you got used to staying to yourself, so you just hoped the new kids or at least one person liked you so you wouldn’t have to sit alone again.

Maybe that’s why you’re so insecure-always wondering what people think of you, if they still like you, if they like you at all. You were never taught to be secure of yourself, physically or mentally.

Maybe that’s why you were always looking for some sort of validation or attention, someone noticing that you aren’t that bad of a person once they get to know you.

Maybe that’s why you liked making people laugh so much, it made you feel happy inside. Maybe that’s why you wanted people to like you so bad (you’ll get over that, eventually). Maybe that’s why you love giving people things or just giving in general, cause it makes you feel happy that you made someone happy. But, while trying to be there for or wanting to help the people you love, make sure you let them help you too, your mind plays a lot of tricks on you.

Just cause Dad cheated and his friends weren’t that good to you..doesn’t mean that all guys are the same, they’re not all out to hurt you.

Maybe that’s why it’s so hard for you to trust people, cause in the end, people you thought you could trust always ended up hurting you in some way. You don’t need to second guess everything someone says or does, they’re not all out to get you. If you feel you can trust someone, then let yourself trust them, open up to them, be yourself

Maybe all guys aren’t liars (maybe). If you feel something wrong or notice something you don’t like then say it. Don’t be scared to say what you feel, don’t be scared that they’ll get mad at you or hate you. Communicate!!

Maybe that’s why you’re so hard on yourself to feel or be pretty, maybe that’s why you’re always comparing yourself to others, cause if Mom wasn’t good enough for Dad then where does that put you.

Maybe you shouldn’t make excuses for Dad or wait for him to call or text. It’s okay to be mad at him. Don’t let that teach you to make excuses for people, no matter how much you love them.

Don’t let things in the past get in the way of you being happy now. Growing up is realizing that our parents were growing up too,

Let yourself get mad, sad, happy and let yourself show it. You don’t have to keep it all inside

If you love them, then show it and let them show you. Let people tell you about your faults, so you can work on them. As much as you love helping people, let them help you too.

It’s okay to be emotional, just don’t take so much to heart. And you don’t have to believe every thought that pops into your head.

Have fun and always stay positive, things aren’t always as bad as they seem so don’t make them worse than they actually are.

“ Love brings you face to face with yourself. It’s impossible to love another if you cannot love yourself.”




I think and feel way too much for my own good and never know how to put it into words..so here goes nothing.